Welcome to the articles page of the International Journal of Whole Schooling. We publish articles individually as they are accepted for publication by our review panel and editorial team. Any comments, suggestions or feedback on the articles contained in the journal or the actual formatting of the journal are welcome. Just contact the Editor Dr. Krystal Kennedy.

Happy reading!!


Volume 21,No.1-2025

Examining the Perspectives of Special Education Pre-Service Teachers on the Education of Syrian Students with Special Needs Under Temporary Protection Status.Fatih Emrah Demir.PDF.

Volume 20, No. 2 - 2024

Challenges Faced by Teacher Educators in Integrating Critical Thinking Pedagogies in Initial Primary Teacher Training in Malawi.Lieutenant Buledi Majawa, Grames Wellington Chirwa & Precious Nyoni .PDF.

The Role of Female Leaders in Enhancing Intellectual Security Among Saudi Arabian Female Students: Teachers Perspective.Adel Ayed Alshammari.PDF.

Cooperative Learning as an Approach to Enhance the Implementation of Inclusive Education.Zakhele Nzunza & Morgan Chitiyo.PDF.

Volume 20, No. 1 - 2024

A Holistic Examination of The Relationship Between Greek Textbooks and Real Life.Derya Bekiroglu & Nur Ütkür Güllühan.PDF.

Research-Based Behavior Management Practices: Assessing Teacher Preparation Programs’ Curricula in Eight African Countries. Morgan Chitiyo, Komlantse M. Gossou, Victor Alasa, Ambumulire Itimu-Phiri,Fumane Khanare, Felix K. Kumedzro, Richard Makoni, Newlin Marongwe, Dominic Oko, Simon G. Taukeni & Emmanuel Zhanda.PDF.

Transitioning Special Education Self-contained Special Units into Learning Support Bases for Inclusion: The case of Zanzibar Primary Schools. Said Juma & Lela Mussa.PDF.

Inclusive Literacy Access for Students with Autism.Chelsea P. Tracy-Bronson & Sara Scribner.PDF.

Universal Design for Learning Instruction and Lesson Planning for Secondary Preservice General Educators.Haidee A. Jackson & James Basham.PDF.

Volume 19, No. 2 - 2023

Implementation of Inclusive Education in Secondary Schools in Tanzania: A Breather for Students with Disabilities.Emanuel Ismael Maphie.PDF.

Inclusion of Students with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities in Lebanon: A Scoping Review.Ali Hussein El Ahmad.PDF.

Volume 19, No. 1 - 2023

Perceptions and Attitudes of Teachers on the Inclusion of Children with Disabilities in Mainstream Classrooms in the East Mamprusi Municipality of the Northeast Region of Ghana.Wisdom Kwado Mprah, Zakia Issaka,Misbaw Wunduo,Godfred Atta-Osei,Rebecca Tawiah, & Theresah Ivy Mensah. PDF.

The Progress made in the Implementation of Inclusive Education Policy in Tanzania:Opinions from Parents and Students.Emanuel Ismael Maphie. PDF.

Investigating Student Achievement using Equitable Assessments and VARK: An Experimental Study of Secondary School Students in Pakistan.Misbah Javed, Tahira Anwar Lashari, Safdar Abbas Khan, Sana Anwar Lashari, Amna Khan, Erum Afzal & Maajid Maqbool. PDF.

Identifying and Responding to Students' Social-emotional Learning Needs related to COVID-19.MollyAnne Light Stevenson & Brent C. Elder. PDF.

Going beyond Structural Integration: Exploring the Role of Mainstreaming and Adaptation Classes in the Educational Integration of Syrian Schoolchildren in Turkey.Mahmut KALMAN & Fazil Emre CAN. PDF.

Teacher educators’ understanding and experiences with implementing the initial primary teacher education policy in Malawi.Grames Chirwa, Gabriel Kamweta, Devika Naidoo & Doreen N Myrie. PDF.

Prioritising content to enhance preservice teachers’ preparedness for inclusive education: Implications for online learning.Nolene Walker. PDF.

Volume 18, No. 2 - 2022

Minority teachers’ perceptions of principals` leadership style and students’ academic achievement in secondary schools.Mohammed Awal Alhassan. PDF.

Prospective teachers’ reactions to possible classroom situations: An investigation through discipline models.Ayten Iflazoglu Saban & Sencer Bulut Ozsezer. PDF.

Assessing inclusive education provision at a United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) elementary school in Lebanon.Ali Hussein El Ahmad. PDF.

Attitudes of English medium school teachers in Bangladesh towards inclusive education: Challenges and possible solutions.Tasnim Islam & M Tariq Ahsan. PDF.

School improvement and teachers' collaborative professional development for inclusive education: A Swedish case. Balli Lelinge & Jonas Alwall. PDF.

Challenges encountered by teaching principals in rural multigrade primary schools: A South African perspective. Matshidiso Taole. PDF.

Volume 18, No. 1 - 2022

Practical steps toward developing successful inclusion education supports in the Middle East. Hind Alharbi. PDF.

Remote learning behavioral study:An observational study among students in the pre-k, elementary and middle school age groups. Dale F Clemente & Catie Chatmon. PDF.

Student teachers’ pedagogical knowledge on the inclusion of students with disabilities in practical physical education lessons in Ghana. Regina Akuffo Darko Jane Mwangi & Lucy Joy Wachira. PDF.

Examination of inclusive educational experiences of refugee students in secondary and high schools in Turkey. Hilal Kazu & Emrullah Deniz. PDF.

Making math add up for students receiving special education. Amy Ballin Ellen Davidson Jessica Caron & Mark Drago. PDF.

Volume 17, No. 2 - 2021

Finding a role in class: A mixed methods study of prospective teachers’ beliefs towards co-teaching in inclusive classes. Steffen Siegemund & Svenja Johannsen. PDF.

School heads’ construction and understanding of instructional leadership for inclusive secondary schools: Taking context out of the shadows of school leadership narratives. Edson Muresherwa & Loyiso Jita. PDF.

Volume 17, No. 1 - 2021

Practical Pedagogy to Better Prepare Preservice Teachers for Inclusive Teaching: Attitudes, Knowledge and Skills. Noelene Walker. PDF.

Leadership in kindergartens, Indonesia: The need for professional learning in inclusive education. Suhendri & Norimune Kawai.PDF.

Trauma-Informed Integral Leadership: Leading School Communities With a Systems-Aware Approach. Greig, Bailey, Abbott & Brunzell.PDF.

Studying Mayan Culture in the Elementary Classroom: Integrating Mathematics, Visual Arts and Technology through an Authentic Multi-leveled Curriculum. Joseph Furner, Jillian Powers & Susannah Brown.PDF.

An Exploration of Primary Teachers' Attitudes Towards Inclusive Education, Retention, and Job Satisfaction in Malawi. Maxwell Opoku, Alex Jiya, Rose Kanyinji & William Nketsia. PDF.

Volume 16, No. 2 - 2020

The Teacher Should be Learning: In-Service Professional Development and Learning of Teachers Implementing Inclusive Education in Early Childhood Education Settings.Francis R, Ackah-Jnr. PDF.

Students’ perspectives on paraprofessional support in German inclusive schools: Results from an exploratory interview study with students in Northrhine Westfalia. Andreas Köpfer & Ursula Böing.PDF.

Government Primary School Teacher Training Needs for Inclusive Education in Bangladesh. Md Abu Bakor Siddik & Norimune Kawai.PDF.

Collaborative Teaching in Mainstream Schools: Research with General Education and Support Teachers. Elisabetta Ghedin & Debora Aquario. PDF.

Volume 16, No. 1 - 2020

Experiences of General Secondary Education Teachers in Inclusive Classrooms: Implications for Sustaining Inclusive Education in Botswana. Mangope Boitumelo, Ahmed Bawa Kuyini & Thenjiwe Emily Major. PDF.

Students’ Social Self-Image and Engagement with Studies within the Classroom: A Qualitative Multimethod Research on Teachers’ Pedagogical Activities in Inclusive Education. Suvi Lakkala,Satu Uusiautti,Outi Kyrö-Ämmälä & Perttu Grönfors. PDF.

Mending the Net: The Learning Zone. Christopher McMaster. PDF.

Acceptance and Belonging in New Zealand:Understanding Inclusion for Children with Special Education Needs. Julie Alesech & Shoba Nayar. PDF.

Volume 15, No. 2 - 2019

Four Key Ideas about Coteaching in High School Classrooms. Carol Willard. PDF.

Teachers’ Professional Development Needs Regarding Inclusive Education in Ghana. Morgan Chitiyo, Felix K. Kumedzro, Elizabeth M. Hughes & Siddiq Ahmed. PDF.

From ‘Training Wheels for Teaching’ to ‘Cooking in Your Mother-in-Law’s Kitchen’: Highlights and Challenges of Co-Teaching among Math, Science, and Special Education Teacher Candidates and Mentors in an Urban Teacher Residency Program. Leila Ricci, Kimberley Persiani & A. Dee Williams. PDF.

A Process, Framework, and Set of Tools for Facilitating Co-Planning Among Co-Teachers. Aeshah Alsarawi.PDF.

Volume 15, No. 1 - 2019

Everybody Has the Right to Be Here: Perspectives of Related Service Therapists. Chelsea Tracy-Bronson, Julie Causton & Kathryn MacLeod. PDF.

Content Analysis of Australian Special Education Research 2005-2015. Michelle Ralston, Kerry Dally & Ian Dempsey. PDF.

My Fears Were Irrational:Transforming Conceptions of Disability in Teacher Education through Service Learning. Jennifer Ashton & Hannah Arlington. PDF.

Mentoring Novice Teachers to Advance Inclusive Mathematics Education. Peggy Lisenbee & Paulo Tan. PDF.

Exploring Teachers’ Special and Inclusive Education Professional Development Needs in Malawi, Namibia, and Zimbabwe. Morgan Chitiyo, Elizabeth Hughes, George Chitiyo, Darlington Changara, Ambumulire Itimu-Phiri, Cynthy Haihambo, Simon Taukeni & Chaidamoyo Dzenga. PDF.

Volume 14, No. 2 - 2018

Learning from the Voices of First Generation Learners in a Remote Community of Maharashtra, India. Ratika Malkani & Richard Rose. PDF.

A Case Study of Preschool Teachers’ Pedagogical Behaviors and Attitudes Toward Children with Disabilities. Deborah Tamakloe. PDF.

Behaviour and Learning: The Development of Staff Efficacy in One School. Ben Powell & Simon Gibbs.PDF.

Making Informed Decisions about Academic Redshirting and Retention through School and Community Partnerships. Ashlee Hover.PDF.

Examining the Variability in General Education Placements for Students With Intellectual Disability. Meghan Cosier, Julia M. White & Qiu Wang.PDF.

Teaching Introduction to Acting at Bronx Community College:From Shakespeare to SZA. Ellen C. Mareneck.PDF.

Volume 14, No. 1 - 2018

Practicing Response-to-Intervention Model: A Case of Leadership Practices. Kim Fong Poon-McBrayer. PDF.

Writing Strength-Based IEPs for Students with Disabilities in Inclusive Classrooms. Brent Elder, Carrie Rood, & Michelle Damiani. PDF.

Positive Developments in Special Education in Zambia and Zimbabwe. Morgan Chitiyo & Florence C. Muwana. PDF.

Teaching Practice Experiences in Inclusive Classrooms: The Voices of University of Botswana Special Education Student Teachers. Boitumelo Mangope, Mpho Otukile-Mongwaketse, Baamphatlha Dinama & Ahmed Bawa Kuyini. PDF.

Teaching Strategies to Develop a Family-School Literacy Partnership. Elizabeth Brown, Julie Rosenthal & Nicole Dynega. PDF.

Inclusive School Leaders’ Perceptions on the Implementation of Individual Education Plans. Timothy Shamala & Joseph Agbenyega. PDF. Word

Volume 13, No. 3 - 2017

A Meaning-Based Plan for Addressing RTI for Struggling Readers. Andrew P. Johnson PDF. Word.

Developing inclusive pre-service and in-service teacher education: Insights from Zanzibar primary school teachers. Said Juma, Elina Lehtomäki & Aimo Naukkarinen PDF. Word.

Challenges to the Use of Co-teaching by Teachers. Jonathon Chitiyo. PDF. Word.

Perspectives of Teachers Regarding Inclusive Education in Ghana. Prosper Deku and Irene Vanderpuye. PDF. Word.

Advancing Inclusive Mathematics Education: Strategies and Resources for Effective IEP Practices. Paulo Tan . PDF. Word.

Helping New General Education Teachers Think about Special Education and How to Help Their Students in an Inclusive Class: The Perspective of a Secondary Mathematics Teacher. Daniel Everett. PDF. Word.

Mindfulness and an argument for Tier 1, Whole School Support. Shannon Stuart, James Collins, Ozalle Toms, & Nomsa Gwalla-Ogisi. PDF. Word.

Volume 13, No. 2 - 2017

Contextualizing the Participation and Challenges in Education for All: The Case of Guam and Hong Kong. Kim Fong Poon-McBrayer. PDF. Word.

Development of a Scale for Measuring Teachers' Attitudes toward Students' Inappropriate Behavior. Md. Saiful Malak, Umesh Sharma, and Joanne Deppeler. PDF. Word.

Reflecting on a Daughter's Bilingualism and disAbility Narratively. Hyun Uk Kim. PDF. Word.

The Loneliness of a Long Distance Ethnographer: A Journey of Research in the Whole School Setting. Christopher McMaster. PDF. Word.

Facilitating Local Understanding and Literacy Development for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder Through Teacher Training. Jodi Robledo. PDF. Word.

Volume 13, No. 1 Themed Issue: Belonging - 2017.

Belonging and the Relationship to Whole Schooling. Dianne Chambers, Phyllis Jones, and Michael W. Riley. PDF. Word.

When Belongng Becomes Belonging: A Bourdieuian Theorisation Joseph Agbenyega. PDF. Word.

Teaching Pre-service Teachers About Belonging. Ann Gillies. PDF. Word.

Students' Engaging School Experiences: A Precondition for Functional Inclusive Practice. Marina Helena Palmgren, Kirsi Pyhalto, Tiina Soini, and Janne Pietarinen. PDF. Word.

Constructing Quality Childcare: Perspectives of Quality and Their Connection to Belonging, Being, and Becoming. Christine Robinson. PDF. Word.

A Sense of Belonging: Children's Views of Acceptance in "Inclusive Mainstream Schools". Richard Rose and Michael Shevlin. PDF. Word.

Volume 12, No. 2 Published September, 2016

Teacher Educators' Viewson Inclusive Education and Teacher Preparationin Ghana. William Nketsia, Timo Saloviita, and Emmanuel Kofi Gyimah. PDF. Word.

Establishing Equity and Quality: The Experience of Schooling from the Perspective of a Student with a Vision Impairment. Jill Opie and Jan Southcott. PDF. Word.

Universal Design for Learning as a Bridge to Inclusion: a Qualitative Report of Student Voices. Jennifer Katz and Laura Sokal. PDF. Word.

Exploring Teachers' Concerns about Student Behavior in Thailand Primary Schools. Ahmed Bawa Kuyini, Mufutau Afolabi Nasiru, and Linley Cornsih. PDF. Word.

Volume 12, No. 1 Published January, 2016

Asian American Immigrant Parents Supporting Children with Autism: Perceptions of Fathers and Mothers. Hui-Ting Wang and Elizabeth A. West. PDF. Word.

Communication, social, and critical thinking skills of students with low-power-distance teachers in a high-power-distance country. Michael Arthus Muega, Maricris Acido, and Vanessa Lusung-Oyzon. PDF. Word.

Reshaping the Role of a Special Educator into a Collaborative Learning Specialist. Jennifer Morgan. PDF. Word.

Using Response Cards in Teacher Education - a Case Example in Taiwan. Hui-Ting Wang. PDF. Word.

Volume 11, No. 2 Published September, 2015

Friendship Experiences of Participants in a University Based Transition Program. Maya Nasr, Ann Cranston-Gingras, Seung-Eun Jang. PDF. Word.

People-First and Competence-Oriented Language. Elizabeth West, Darlene Perner, Linda Laz, Nikki Murdick, and Barbara Gartin. PDF. Word.

Creating a Climate in which Students Can Flourish: A Whole School Intercultural Approach. Karen Read, Jill AldridgeKate Ala'i, Barry Fraser, and Farida Fozdar. PDF. Word.

Exploring the Intersection of the English Language as the Medium of Instruction and Inclusive Pedagogy in Primary Mathematics Classrooms in Ghana. Joseph S. Agbenyega and Ernest Davis. PDF. Word.

Volume 11, No. 1 Published January, 2015

Reflections on Theory and Pedagogy of Challenges in Facilitating Children's Dialogues in the Community of Inquiry. Abigail Thea O. Canuto. PDF. Word.

"Where is _____?": Culture and the Process of Change in the Development of Inclusive Schools. Christopher McMaster. PDF. Word.

Leading Remotely: Exploring the Experiences of Principals in Rural and Remote School Communities in Jamaica. Paul Miller. PDF. Word.

Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and Learners with Severe Support Needs. Elizabeth Hartmann. PDF. Word.

Beyond Treats and Timeouts: Humantistic Behavioral Supports in Inclusive Classrooms. Julie Causton, Chelsea P. Tracy-Bronson, and Kate MacLeod. PDF. Word.

Volume 10, No. 2 Published September, 2014

Student Behavior Management: School Leader's Role in the Eyes of the Teachers and Students. Shirin Noordddin, Sharifullah Baig, and Gilgit Balistan. PDF. Word.

Parental Involvement in the Secondary Schools in Bangladesh: Challenges and a Way Forward. Ariful Haq Kabir and Farjana Akter. PDF. Word.

A Service-Learning Immersion in a Remote Aboriginal Community: Enhancing Pre-service Teacher Education. Shane Lavery, Glenda Cain, and Patrick Hampton. PDF. Word.

From Policy to Practice Supporting Students with Diverse Needs in Thailand: Critical Issues and Implications. Watinee Opartkiattiful, Michael Arthur-Kelly, and Ian Dempsey. PDF. Word.

Volume 10, No. 1 Published January, 2014

Inclusion of Students with Vision Impairments: Generational Perspetives in Australia. Ben Whitburn. PDF. Word.

Effective Professional Development of Teachers: A Guide to Actualizing Inclusive Schooling. Trisha Nishimura. PDF 1, 2, 3. Word.

Beneath the Veneer: Marginalization and Exclusion in an Inclusive Co-Teaching Context. Jennifer Randhare Ashton. PDF. Word.

Volume 9, No. 2 Published September, 2013

Building Inclusion from the Ground Up: A Review of Whole School Re-culturing Programmes for Sustaining Inclusive Change. Christopher McMaster. PDF. Word.

Setting Sail for that Country: The Utopian Urge Behind Inclusion. Christopher McMaster. PDF. Word.

Secondary Pupils' Perceptions and Experiences Towards Studying in an Inclusive Classroom. Kwan Lan Vicky Tsang. PDF. Word.

Social Interaction and Cooperative Activities: Drawing Plans as a Means of Increasing Engagement for Children with ASD. Brenda Peters, Chris Forlin, Dennis McInerney and Rupert Maclean. PDF. Word.

Volume 9, No. 1 Published January 2013 Special Issue: Whole and Inclusive Schooling: A Promising Symbiosis

Whole and Inclusive Schooling: A Promising Symbiosis. Phyllis Jones. PDF. Word.

Whole School Initiative: Has Inclusive Education GoVolume 8, No. 2 Published September, 2012ne Astray? Joseph Agbenyeda and Sunanta Klibthong. PDF. Word.

Understanding and Dismantling Barriers for Partnerships for Inclusive Education: A Cultural Historical Activity Theory Perspective. Federico Waitoller and Elizabeth Kozleski. PDF. Word.

Applying Universal Design for Learning to Instructional Planning. Donna McGhie-Richmond and Andrew Sung. PDF. Word.

The Contribution of Facilitated Leadership to Systems Development for Greater Inclusive Practices. Phyllis Jones, Chris Forlin, and Ann Gillies. PDF. Word.

Volume 8, No. 2 Published September, 2012

Exploring Pre-Service Teachers’ Perceived Teaching-Efficacy, Attitudes and Concerns About Inclusive Education in Bangladesh. M. Tariq Ahsan, Umesh Sharma, and Joanne M. Deppeler. PDF. Word.

Inclusion Means More Than Just Being "In": Planning Full Participation of Students with Intellectual and Other Developmental Disabilities in the General Education Classroom. Cheryl M. Jorgensen and Laurie Lambert. PDF1. PDF2. PDF3. PDF4. PDF5. Word.

Volume 8, No. 1 Published January, 2012

Inclusive Education Reform in Primary Schools of Bangladesh: Leadership Challenges and Possible Strategies to Address the Challenges. Jahirul Mullick, Joanne Deppeler, and Umesh Sharma. PDF. PDF Tables. Word.

Integrazione Scolastica in Italy: A Compilation of English-Language Resources. Michael F. Giangreco and Mary Beth Doyle. PDF. Word.

Invited articles on the theme of love, emotion, and pedagogy:

Pegagogical Authority and Pedagogical Love - Connected or Incompatible? Kaarina Määttä and Satu Uuusiautti, University of Lapland, Finland. English: PDF. Word. Finnish: PDF. Word. Italian: PDF. Word.

The Moderating Effect of Teacher Support on Depression and Relational Victimization in Minority Middle School Students. Stephanie Mihalas, Ryan Witherspoon, Meg Harper, Brittany Sovran, The Center for Well Being. English PDF. Word. Italian: PDF. Word.

Volume 7, No. 2 Published September, 2011

Agents of Change: Voices of Teachers on Response to Intervention. Shannon Stuart, Claudia Rinaldi, and Orla Higgins-Averill. PDF. Word.

A Mother's Perceptions of Her Ongoing Advocacy Efforts for Her Son with Significant Disabilities: Her Twelve-Year Journey. Diane Lea Ryndak, Ann-Marie Orlando, Jill F. Storch, Maria K. Denney and Jacqueline Huffman. PDF. Word.

Developing the Understanding and Practice of Inclusion in Higher Education for International Students with Disabilities/Additional Needs: A Whole Schooling Approach. Briony Supple and Joseph Abgenyega. PDF. Word.

"Nothing About Us Without Us": Including People with Disabilities as Teaching Partners in University Courses. Cheryl Jorgensen, Kathy Bates, Amy H. Frechette, Rae M. Sonnenmeier, and Jocelyn Curtin. PDF. Word.

Volume 7, No. 1 Published January, 2011

Newly Qualifying Teachers' Perspectives on Diversity and Inclusion: Understanding through Visual Representations. Sivanes Phillipson and Chris Forlin.Volume 7, No. 1 PDF. Word.

Student Teachers' Attitudes and Concerns about Inclusive Education in Ghana and Botswana. Ahmed Bawa Kuyini and Boitumelo Mangope. PDF. Word.

Book Review: The Ugly Laws: Disability in Public. Kirstee Radley. PDF. Word.

Pre-service Teachers' Perceptions of Departmentalization of Elementary Schools. Fuchang Liu. PDF. Word.

Volume 6, No. 2 Published September, 2010

Book Review: The Beyond Access Model: Promoting Membership, Participation, and Learning for Students with Disabilities in the General Education Classroom. Barbara Van Ingen. PDF. Word.

The ESL Family Science Night: A Model for Culturally Sensitive Science Education Pedagogy. Gilbert Valadez and Suzanne Moineau. PDF. Word.

Curriculum Recommendations for Inclusive Teacher Education. Pamela LePage, Sue Courey, Emilene J. Fearn, Vicki Benson, Ellen Cook, Liz Hartmann and Shelley Nielson. PDF. Word.

Early Childhood Inclusion: A Silver Lining in the Dark Clouds for African Immigrant Children? Joseph Agbenyega and Chris Peers. PDF. Word.

Co-teaching in Urban Secondary School Districts to Meet the Needs of All Teachers and Learners: Implications for Teacher Education Reform. Elizabeth Cramer, Andrea Liston, Ann Nevin, and Jacqueline Thousand. PDF. Word.

Volume 6, No. 1 Published January, 2010 Special Edition: One School for All - A Multi-faceted Practice

One School for All: A Multi–Faceted Practice Chris Forlin. PDF. Word.

How Do We Include Those Children? Attitudes Toward and Perceptions of Inclusion in Chile. Todd Fletcher, David Allen, Bradford Harkins, Kristen Mike, Cristian Martinich, and Helena Todd. PDF. Word.

Developing Support for Inclusion: A Professional Learning Approach for Teachers in Hong Kong. Chris Forlin and Kuen–fung Sin. PDF. Word.

Parent Involvement in Inclusive Primary Schools in New Zealand: Implications for Improving Practice and for Teacher Education.
Garry Hornby and Chrystal Witte. PDF. Word.

The Context of Professional Learning for Inclusion: A 4–ply Model. Elizabeth O’Gorman. PDF. Word.

A Professional Learning Program for Enhancing the Competency of Students with Special Needs. Pennee Kantavong and Suwaree Sivabaedya. PDF. Word.

Using Early Career Special Educators Voice to Influence Initial Teacher Education. Elizabeth A. West and Roxanne F. Hudson. PDF. Word.

Volume 5, No. 2 Published September, 2009

Developing an Inclusive Curriculum: "Every Teacher Matters". This article describes movement into a curriculum in special schools based on the state curriculum to better give equal opportunity to all students in Hong Kong. Keith Humphreys. PDF. Word.

Providing instruction to students with special needs in inclusive classrooms in Ghana: Issues and challenges. Ahmed Bawa Kuyini and Ishwar Desai. PDF. Word.

The Inclusive Secondary School Teacher in Australia. Michelle Pearce. PDF. Word.

Innovations in Inclusive Education: Two Teacher Preparation Programs at the San Franciso State University. Pamela Wolfberg, Pamela LePage, and Ellen Cook. PDF Section 1. PDF Section 2. PDF Section 3. Word.

The "Same" Project: Achieving "One Curriculum for All" in Hong Kong. Alison Man-Ching Li, Andrew Chung-Yee Tse, and Ming-Gon John Lian. PDF. Word.

Volume 5, No. 1 Published March, 2009

Student Perspectives on Inclusive Education: A Survey of Grade 3-6 Children in Rural Alberta, Canada. Tim Loreman, Donna McGhie-Richmond, Jennifer Barber, and Judy Lupart. PDF. Word.

On Improving School Climate: Reducing Reliance on Rewards and Punishment. Lorrie Hoffman, Cynthia Hutchinson, and Elayne Reiss. PDF. Word.

A Cross-categorical Approach to Service Delivery: Promoting Successful Inclusion Through Teacher Education. Shaila Rao. Word.

Whole Schooling and Response to Intervention. Claudia Rinaldi and Shannon Stuart. PDF. Word.

Volume 4, No. 2 Published September, 2008

Developing the Understanding of the Influence of School Place on Students' Identify, Pedagogy, and Learning: A Visual Approach. Joseph Agbenyeda. PDF. Word.

An Appreciative Inquiry into the Circle of Friends Program: The Benefits of Social Inclusion of Students with Disabilities. Raymond Calabrese, Jean Patterson, Fuchang Liu, Sherry Goodvin, Crystal Hummel, and Erica Nance. PDF. Word.

Negotiating Speech and Language in the African Dispora: Politics of Language Diversity. Audrey P. Watkins. PDF. Word.

One Family’s Perspective Of Their Experiences With School And District Personnel Over Time Related To Inclusive Educational Services For A Family Member With Significant Disabilities. Diane Lea Ryndak, Jill Frenchman Storch, and David Hoppey. PDF. Word.

Volume 4, No. 1 Published March, 2008

Making Dissatisfaction Divine: An Inspired Approach to Whole School Reform. Julie Sweetland. PDF. Word.

Shifting Attitudes of Related Service Providers: A Disability Studies and Critical Pedagogy Approach. Ann Nevin, Robin Smith and Mary McNeil. PDF. Word.

Whole School Evaluation and Inclusion: How Elementary School Participants Perceive Their Learning Community. Judy Lupart, Jessica Whitley, Janine Odishaw, and Linda McDonald. PDF. Word.

Volume 3, No. 2 Published September, 2007

Seven Pillars of Support for Inclusive Education: Moving from "Why" to "How". Tim Loreman. PDF. Word.

The Relations Between Parenting and Adolescent Motivation. Thienhuong N. Hoang. PDF. Word. Note: This article has been retracted due to discovery of plagiarism. See notice HERE.

The Mentoring Relationship: A Poetic Perspective. Avraham Cohen and Carl Leggo. PDF. Word.

Welcome to the Land of Ideas: The Goethe Institute Fellowship Tour of Germany. Keith Samuelson. PDF. Word.

Volume 3, No. 1 Published March, 2007

Champions of Inclusion: Making the extraordinary ordinary. William Henderson.PDF. Word.

Examining Teachers' Concerns and Attitudes Towards Inclusive Education in Ghana. Joseph Agbenyega. PDF. Word.

From Policy to Practice: A South African Perspective Implementing Inclusive Education Policy. Sigamoney Naicker. PDF. Word.

Multiage Instruction and Inclusion: A Collaborative Approach. Shannon Stuart, Mary Conner, Karin Cady, and Alicia Zweifel. March, 2007.PDF. Word.

Writing Truth in Classrooms: Personal Revelation and Pedagogy. Carl Leggo. PDF. Word.

Volume 2, No. 2 Published February - March, 2006

I Just Want to be His Sister. Rachel Sugar. PDF Word

Still Remember the Moments:When I learned to Read and Write in Chinese and English. Rosa Hong Chen. PDF. Word.

Teacher Reflections On Co-Teaching A Unit Of Work. Wendi Beamish, Fiona Bryer, and Mike Davies. PDF. Word.

The Status and Role of Resource Centres in exHouse of Delegates (ExHOD) Schools Under Post Apartheid. D. Govender. PDF. Word.

Volume 2, No. 1 Published October, 2005

Brief Amazing Moments of Inclusion. Janice Fialka. PDF Word

“We Have to Start with Inclusion and Work it Out as We Go”: Purposeful Inclusion for Non-Verbal Students with Autism. Christi Kasa-Hendrickson and Paula Kluth. PDF Word

Documentary review: ‘Testing Mrs. Grube’ and ‘A different standard’ by Odine Rarey by Tim Loreman and Randy Ritz. PDF Word

Volume 1, No 2 Published March, 2005

An Inquiry Based Instructional Planning Model That Accommodates Student Diversity. Cheryl M. Jorgensen. PDF Word

Attitudes Of Students Towards Peers With Disabilities: Relocating Students From An Education Support Centre To An Inclusive Middle School Setting. Steven McGregor and Chris Forlin. PDF Word

Listening Carefully for Inclusion: A Principal's Awakening. Heather Raymond. PDF Word

Peer Partnerships: A Best Practice For Preparing And Empowering Youth. Antonette W. Hood and Mary E. McNeil. PDF Word

Book Review— Inclusive Education: A Practical Guide to Supporting Diversity in the Classroom. Tim Loreman, Joanne Deppeler & David Harvey. Chris Forlin. PDF Word

Volume 1, No. 1 September, 2004

Towards Whole Schools: Building a movement for the 21st century. Michael Peterson. PDF Word

Collaboration, Co-teaching, and Differentiated Instruction: A Process-Oriented Approach to Whole Schooling. Lorri Santamaria and Jacque Thousand. PDF Word

No Child Left Behind: The Emperor Has No Clothes. Andrew Johnson. PDF Word

Struggling Decoders: Reading Fluently and Making Meaning of Text. Bill Henderson. PDF Word

The Curriculum of Becoming Human: A Rumination. Carl Leggo. PDF Word

Book Review— Peterson & Hittie Inclusive Teaching: Creating Effective Schools for All Learners (2003). Sue Lehr. PDF Word