Welcome to the articles page of the International Journal of Whole Schooling. We publish articles individually as they are accepted for publication by our review panel and editorial team. Any comments, suggestions or feedback on the articles contained in the journal or the actual formatting of the journal are welcome. Just contact the Editor Dr. Krystal Kennedy.
Happy reading!!
Volume 21,No.1-2025
Examining the Perspectives of Special Education Pre-Service Teachers on the Education of Syrian Students with Special Needs Under Temporary Protection Status.Fatih Emrah Demir.PDF.
Volume 20, No. 2 - 2024
Challenges Faced by Teacher Educators in Integrating Critical Thinking Pedagogies in Initial Primary Teacher Training in Malawi.Lieutenant Buledi Majawa, Grames Wellington Chirwa & Precious Nyoni .PDF.
The Role of Female Leaders in Enhancing Intellectual Security Among Saudi Arabian Female Students: Teachers Perspective.Adel Ayed Alshammari.PDF.
Cooperative Learning as an Approach to Enhance the Implementation of Inclusive Education.Zakhele Nzunza & Morgan Chitiyo.PDF.
Volume 20, No. 1 - 2024
A Holistic Examination of The Relationship Between Greek Textbooks and Real Life.Derya Bekiroglu & Nur Ütkür Güllühan.PDF.
Research-Based Behavior Management Practices: Assessing Teacher Preparation Programs’ Curricula in Eight African Countries. Morgan Chitiyo, Komlantse M. Gossou, Victor Alasa, Ambumulire Itimu-Phiri,Fumane Khanare, Felix K. Kumedzro, Richard Makoni, Newlin Marongwe, Dominic Oko, Simon G. Taukeni & Emmanuel Zhanda.PDF.
Transitioning Special Education Self-contained Special Units into Learning Support Bases for Inclusion: The case of Zanzibar Primary Schools. Said Juma & Lela Mussa.PDF.
Inclusive Literacy Access for Students with Autism.Chelsea P. Tracy-Bronson & Sara Scribner.PDF.
Universal Design for Learning Instruction and Lesson Planning for Secondary Preservice General Educators.Haidee A. Jackson & James Basham.PDF.
Volume 19, No. 2 - 2023
Implementation of Inclusive Education in Secondary Schools in Tanzania: A Breather for Students with Disabilities.Emanuel Ismael Maphie.PDF.
Inclusion of Students with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities in Lebanon: A Scoping Review.Ali Hussein El Ahmad.PDF.
Volume 19, No. 1 - 2023
Perceptions and Attitudes of Teachers on the Inclusion of Children with Disabilities in Mainstream Classrooms in the East Mamprusi Municipality of the Northeast Region of Ghana.Wisdom Kwado Mprah, Zakia Issaka,Misbaw Wunduo,Godfred Atta-Osei,Rebecca Tawiah, & Theresah Ivy Mensah. PDF.
The Progress made in the Implementation of Inclusive Education Policy in Tanzania:Opinions from Parents and Students.Emanuel Ismael Maphie. PDF.
Investigating Student Achievement using Equitable Assessments and VARK: An Experimental Study of Secondary School Students in Pakistan.Misbah Javed, Tahira Anwar Lashari, Safdar Abbas Khan, Sana Anwar Lashari, Amna Khan, Erum Afzal & Maajid Maqbool. PDF.
Identifying and Responding to Students' Social-emotional Learning Needs related to COVID-19.MollyAnne Light Stevenson & Brent C. Elder. PDF.
Going beyond Structural Integration: Exploring the Role of Mainstreaming and Adaptation Classes in the Educational Integration of Syrian Schoolchildren in Turkey.Mahmut KALMAN & Fazil Emre CAN. PDF.
Teacher educators’ understanding and experiences with implementing the initial primary teacher education policy in Malawi.Grames Chirwa, Gabriel Kamweta, Devika Naidoo & Doreen N Myrie. PDF.
Prioritising content to enhance preservice teachers’ preparedness for inclusive education: Implications for online learning.Nolene Walker. PDF.
Volume 18, No. 2 - 2022
Minority teachers’ perceptions of principals` leadership style and students’ academic achievement in secondary schools.Mohammed Awal Alhassan. PDF.
Prospective teachers’ reactions to possible classroom situations: An investigation through discipline models.Ayten Iflazoglu Saban & Sencer Bulut Ozsezer. PDF.
Assessing inclusive education provision at a United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) elementary school in Lebanon.Ali Hussein El Ahmad. PDF.
Attitudes of English medium school teachers in Bangladesh towards inclusive education: Challenges and possible solutions.Tasnim Islam & M Tariq Ahsan. PDF.
School improvement and teachers' collaborative professional development for inclusive education: A Swedish case. Balli Lelinge & Jonas Alwall. PDF.
Challenges encountered by teaching principals in rural multigrade primary schools: A South African perspective. Matshidiso Taole. PDF.
Volume 18, No. 1 - 2022
Practical steps toward developing successful inclusion education supports in the Middle East. Hind Alharbi. PDF.
Remote learning behavioral study:An observational study among students in the pre-k, elementary and middle school age groups. Dale F Clemente & Catie Chatmon. PDF.
Student teachers’ pedagogical knowledge on the inclusion of students with disabilities in practical physical education lessons in Ghana. Regina Akuffo Darko Jane Mwangi & Lucy Joy Wachira. PDF.
Examination of inclusive educational experiences of refugee students in secondary and high schools in Turkey. Hilal Kazu & Emrullah Deniz. PDF.
Making math add up for students receiving special education. Amy Ballin Ellen Davidson Jessica Caron & Mark Drago. PDF.
Volume 17, No. 2 - 2021
Finding a role in class: A mixed methods study of prospective teachers’ beliefs towards co-teaching in inclusive classes. Steffen Siegemund & Svenja Johannsen. PDF.
School heads’ construction and understanding of instructional leadership for inclusive secondary schools: Taking context out of the shadows of school leadership narratives. Edson Muresherwa & Loyiso Jita. PDF.
Volume 17, No. 1 - 2021
Practical Pedagogy to Better Prepare Preservice Teachers for Inclusive Teaching: Attitudes, Knowledge and Skills. Noelene Walker. PDF.
Leadership in kindergartens, Indonesia: The need for professional learning in inclusive education. Suhendri & Norimune Kawai.PDF.
Trauma-Informed Integral Leadership: Leading School Communities With a Systems-Aware Approach. Greig, Bailey, Abbott & Brunzell.PDF.
Studying Mayan Culture in the Elementary Classroom: Integrating Mathematics, Visual Arts and Technology through an Authentic Multi-leveled Curriculum. Joseph Furner, Jillian Powers & Susannah Brown.PDF.
An Exploration of Primary Teachers' Attitudes Towards Inclusive Education, Retention, and Job Satisfaction in Malawi. Maxwell Opoku, Alex Jiya, Rose Kanyinji & William Nketsia. PDF.
Volume 16, No. 2 - 2020
The Teacher Should be Learning: In-Service Professional Development and Learning of Teachers Implementing Inclusive Education in Early Childhood Education Settings.Francis R, Ackah-Jnr. PDF.
Students’ perspectives on paraprofessional support in German inclusive schools: Results from an exploratory interview study with students in Northrhine Westfalia. Andreas Köpfer & Ursula Böing.PDF.
Government Primary School Teacher Training Needs for Inclusive Education in Bangladesh. Md Abu Bakor Siddik & Norimune Kawai.PDF.
Collaborative Teaching in Mainstream Schools: Research with General Education and Support Teachers. Elisabetta Ghedin & Debora Aquario. PDF.
Volume 16, No. 1 - 2020
Experiences of General Secondary Education Teachers in Inclusive Classrooms: Implications for Sustaining Inclusive Education in Botswana. Mangope Boitumelo, Ahmed Bawa Kuyini & Thenjiwe Emily Major. PDF.
Students’ Social Self-Image and Engagement with Studies within the Classroom: A Qualitative Multimethod Research on Teachers’ Pedagogical Activities in Inclusive Education. Suvi Lakkala,Satu Uusiautti,Outi Kyrö-Ämmälä & Perttu Grönfors. PDF.
Mending the Net: The Learning Zone. Christopher McMaster. PDF.
Acceptance and Belonging in New Zealand:Understanding Inclusion for Children with Special Education Needs. Julie Alesech & Shoba Nayar. PDF.
Volume 15, No. 2 - 2019 Four Key Ideas about Coteaching in High School Classrooms. Carol Willard. PDF.
Teachers’ Professional Development Needs Regarding Inclusive Education in Ghana. Morgan Chitiyo, Felix K. Kumedzro, Elizabeth M. Hughes & Siddiq Ahmed. PDF.
From ‘Training Wheels for Teaching’ to ‘Cooking in Your Mother-in-Law’s Kitchen’: Highlights and Challenges of Co-Teaching among Math, Science, and Special Education Teacher Candidates and Mentors in an Urban Teacher Residency Program. Leila Ricci, Kimberley Persiani & A. Dee Williams. PDF.
A Process, Framework, and Set of Tools for Facilitating Co-Planning Among Co-Teachers. Aeshah Alsarawi.PDF.
Volume 15, No. 1 - 2019 Everybody Has the Right to Be Here: Perspectives of Related Service Therapists. Chelsea Tracy-Bronson, Julie Causton & Kathryn MacLeod. PDF.
Content Analysis of Australian Special Education Research 2005-2015. Michelle Ralston, Kerry Dally & Ian Dempsey. PDF.
My Fears Were Irrational:Transforming Conceptions of Disability in Teacher Education through Service Learning. Jennifer Ashton & Hannah Arlington. PDF.
Mentoring Novice Teachers to Advance Inclusive Mathematics Education. Peggy Lisenbee & Paulo Tan. PDF.
Exploring Teachers’ Special and Inclusive Education Professional Development Needs in Malawi, Namibia, and Zimbabwe. Morgan Chitiyo, Elizabeth Hughes, George Chitiyo, Darlington Changara, Ambumulire Itimu-Phiri, Cynthy Haihambo, Simon Taukeni & Chaidamoyo Dzenga. PDF.
Volume 14, No. 2 - 2018 Learning from the Voices of First Generation Learners in a Remote Community of Maharashtra, India. Ratika Malkani & Richard Rose. PDF.
A Case Study of Preschool Teachers’ Pedagogical Behaviors and Attitudes Toward Children with Disabilities. Deborah Tamakloe. PDF.
Behaviour and Learning: The Development of Staff Efficacy in One School. Ben Powell & Simon Gibbs.PDF.
Making Informed Decisions about Academic Redshirting and Retention through School and Community Partnerships. Ashlee Hover.PDF.
Examining the Variability in General Education Placements for Students With Intellectual Disability. Meghan Cosier, Julia M. White & Qiu Wang.PDF.
Teaching Introduction to Acting at Bronx Community College:From Shakespeare to SZA. Ellen C. Mareneck.PDF.