Journey Towards Creating Effective Schools for All Learners
Planning Individualized Differentiation
InclusiveNet. Links
organized by the different sections of the chapter.
Learning tools. Tools
for analysis, discussion, and planning you may use in class, professional
development, and in your own practice as a teacher.
- Student
profile. Activity
Tool 4-2 is a blank student profile. This can be used as
a tool in a school for recording and thinking about the characteristics
of a student. It may also be used with case studies to prompt discussion.
- Class
profile. Use Activities
Tool 4-3 to have participants
conduct an analysis of a classroom and discuss the relationship
of teaching style to needs of the students.
- Collaborative
consultation action planning. Activity
Tool 4-4 is a blank collaborative consultation form that can be used in
a local school and as a basis to discuss students prompting discussion
and dialogue
regarding how best to meet student needs.
- Curriculum
matrix and daily schedule. Activity
Tools 4-5 and 4-6 are
respectively a blank curriculum matrix form and daily schedule. Ask
participants to develop a curriculum matrix and daily schedule for
a case study student.
- Individualized
differentiation. Use
Activity Tool 4-8 and ask participants to sketch learning activities,
problems a student
is having, and designing solutions to solve the problem.
- Individualized differentiation plan. Use Activity
Tool 4-9 to have participants develop a plan for assuring effective inclusion
for a student they know.
- Individualized
Education Program. Activity
Tool 4-10 is a blank IEP form
that can be used with case studies and in helping individuals understand
the components of an
Artwork reprinted by permission of
Martha Perske from PERSKE:
Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1998.