CHAPTER FOUR Planning Individualized Differentiation
The internet provides a valuable source to explore issues related to segregation and inclusion, people with disabilities in school and society, and inclusive teaching. Following are some sites in which you might be interested.
Back Pack
The Center for Research on Education, Diversity, and Excellence (CREDE) is a federally funded research and development program focused on improving the education of students whose ability to reach their potential is challenged by language or cultural barriers, race, geographic location, or poverty.”
Teacher Vision has many resources for individualized differentiation and adaptations for a wide range of students.
Individual differentiation and interventions
Nine Types of Curriculum Adaptations. Here's PDF file of a simple framework of curriculum adaptations to use in individualized differentation.
Curriculum Augmentation and Adaptation Strategies to Promote Access to the General Curriculum. A good article related to students with intellectual disabilities. Downloadable as a PDF document.
Collaborative consultation
Collaborative Consultation: Literature Review and Case Study. A good article from ERIC. You can download the entire article in PDF format.
Collaborative Consultation in the Education of Mildly Handicapped and At-Risk Students. An article by Frederick West from Sage Journals.
Collaborative Teaching. An online book from Parrot Publishing regarding special education for inclusive classrooms. A great resource.
MAPS (Making Action Plans)
Inclusion Press Site from the creators of the MAPS process with many books, videos, and other resources.
Making Action Plans: Student-centered Transition Planning. A good summary of the process of MAPS.
Person-centered Planning. Here's a good introduction to person-centered planning of which MAPS is one example. And here's a good list of resources for person-centered planning.
Individualized Family Services Plan (IFSP) for parents of young children with disabilities
Individual Family Service Plan. A good site with information on this service.
Preparing for an IFSP Meeting Individual Familiy Service Plan. A practical article.
Special education: Individual Education Programs (IEPs)
Individualized Education Program: Roadmap to Success. Simple guide developed by the Ohio Department of Education.
COACH: Educational planning for students with severe disabilities. Description of detailed guide.
Decision-making for Inclusive Education. Step by step guide from the Renaissance group.
The IEP for inclusion in elementary and secondary schools. From The School as a Caring Community, an online book about inclusive education.
LINKS to several sites on IEPs.
Individual Transition Plans
Artwork reprinted by permission of
Martha Perske from PERSKE:
Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1998.