
INCLUSIVE TEACHING: Creating Effective Schools for All Learners. A new text from Allyn and Bacon based on Whole Schooling. Resources: ordering information; online book tour; book website.

Including all. Chapter 1 of LEARNING WELL TOGETHER: Lessons about connecting inclusive education to whole school improvement. 2002. Section of the Final report of the Whole Schooling Research Project on including students with wide ability differences learning together in schools and classrooms. This was a qualitative study of 16 schools in Michigan and Wisconsin that focused on the interaction of inclusive education and exemplary schooling and teaching practices.

KEY ELEMENTS in Building an Inclusive School. Michael Peterson. 2000. Short paper that describes some essential parts of an inclusive school.

INCLUSION: A Catalyst for Whole School Reform. William Henderson. 2001. Principal O'Hearn Elementary School describes how the commitment to inclusive schooling has facilitated overall school improvement and reform in this school over the last ten years.

WE ALL BELONG: One School's Journey to Inclusion. Barbara Mick, December 2001. Text of a keynote speech given at the conference of the Western Inclusion Network of Michigan in which she describes how Ausable Primary School in Grayling, Michigan, became a fully inclusive school and how this has benefitted all students.

INCLUSIVE EDUCATION - PROGRESSIVE EDUCATION: IS THERE A RELATIONSHIP? Lynne Tamor and Michael Peterson, June, 2001. 12 page paper that questions the degree to which self-styled progressive educators are willing to embrace inclusive education for students who are diverse based on race, culture, wealth, and ability.

FOR BETTER OR WORSE: Building Inclusive Schools In Poor Urban And Rural Communities Michael Peterson, Kim Beloin, and others 1998. Describes the need and strategies for work in low income urban and rural communities to foster inclusive education growing out of experiences in Detroit and rural Wisconsin.

INCLUSIVE EDUCATION IN MICHIGAN: An Analysis of Change in Practice and Policy -- 1988 - 1998. Michael Peterson. This article tells the story of movements towards inclusive education in this decade and draws conclusions about the present status and learning out of this effort.

FROM APARTHEID TO INCLUSIVE EDUCATION. Sigamoney Naicker. Special education director of the country of South Africa. Presentation at the International Education Summit, Detroit, Michigan, June, 2000. Describes movements in South Africa from apartheid, embrace of inclusive education, and the connection of issues of race, class, and ability for true transformation of schooling.

SPECIAL NEEDS EDUCATION: Building an Inclusive Education Education and Training System. Education White Paper # 6. Department of Education, South Africa. May 2001. This paper describes policy framework and practice in the country of South Africa where inclusive education is being seen as one important component in transforming that country's education system in post-apartheid South Africa.