Over the last few years, there has been a virtual explosion of information, thinking, studies, and efforts at local and national levels to build comunity and better support families. In virtually every type of endeavor, from business to disability, community building is being seen as central to creating better outcomes and in addressing problems that face us. Similarly, virtually every discipline, hardly without exception, has writers and thinkers reconceptualizing their fields to include community building as a central focus. The disciplines range from education and social work to economics and business management.
While there is not a uniform defintion
of community building, we do see key principles and themes beginning
to emerge:
1. Relationships, a sense of belonging and community, caring,
neighbor to neighbor helping are the critical foundation for community.
The bonds of human beings are the basis for our lives.
2. As we approach the 21st century, more than ever the human race must find ways to value diversity in all its forms --race, culture, gender, sexual preference, ability, to create inclusive community.
3. Individuals need the support of community as well as family. Otherwise, the pressures and strains are too great for either family or personal health.
4. Forums in which caring of people in community must be strengthened, sustained, and sometimes simply created. Human services must take their rightful place as supporters rather than usurpers of such caring. "Marketing" an agency must take a back seat to policies and use of fiscal resources that support rather than fracture the natural caring of people in a community.
5. Local neighborhoods and communities themselves must be approached holistically. As we look at people holistically, so we must do with our communities. Thus, human relationships and supports, housing, economic development, and physical infrastructure must be considered as interacting concerns.
6. Finally, it is increasingly clear
that multiple powerful forces are allied against community and
towards competition, hatred, injustice, and fragmentation. Consequently,
efforts to create community must be intentional, building a sense
of community among individuals, groups, and organizations who
are working towards these ends.
In 1990, for those who were beginning to think in terms of "community
building", one felt alone and isolated. There was little
visible literature. Some six years later, the term and concept
underlying it appear almost everywhere. Below, some highlights
of these movements, as they are presently understood, are outlined.
Over the last ten years a growing list of influential books have
been published that have provided a forum for discussion of community
building efforts. Seminal among these are two works of Robert
Bellah and his colleagues -- HABITS OF THE HEART and THE GOOD
SOCIETY. The former explored the degree to which a focus on individualism
as undermined the quality of life in communities and threatens
our social existence in the context of analyzing stories gathered
from interviews of some 100 largely suburban dwellers in communities
throughout the country. The Good Society explores these same themes
by looking at the central institutions of our society -- schools,
religion, business. These publications have kindled discussion,
dialogue, and thinking like a match thrown on dry prarie grass.
Numerous other publications, organizations, and networks have
emerged over the last five to ten years.
Seminal also in this dialogue has been the work of JOHN MCKNIGHT
and his colleagues at Northwestern University in Chicago. The
1994 publication of BUILDING COMMUNITIES FROM THE INSIDE OUT articulated a new, "community building"
approach to work in low income communities in cities and communities.
Rather than seeing the deficits of low income neighborhoods and
depending upon outside governmental sources and programs for aid,
this Assets-based Community Development (ABCD) approach identifies the assets and resources
in a community, develops strategies for linking these together,
and pulls on the power, energy, and resources of the people in
the neighborhood itself. Moving far beyond the ideas of "maximum
feasible involvement" of the poor in government programs
that were the unattained hallmark of Great Society programs, this
approach says that community development must come from the people
themselves, "from the inside out".
Trained as a community organizer by Saul Alinsky, McKnights writings
articulated over the last 20 years and recently published in another
book entitled COMMUNITY AND ITS COUNTERFEITS eschew the confrontational
approach of his mentor and suggest, rather, that connecting the
positive energy of people and harnessing the caring of the community
by people themselves is the key to both human supports and economic
development. The "green book", as the ABCD book described
above is often called by its grassroots users, has clearly hit
home to many people working towards these ideas in the field.
Since its publication, McKnight reports, they have been receiving
numerous calls requesting he and co-author John Kretzmann for
speaking engagements about this approach. Out of this need, McKnight
and some trusted colleagues from around the country are forming
Beginning in the mid-1980's, a number of foundations began funding
"community-building" projects using ideas similar to
those later to be described in McKnight and Kretzman's publication.
Annie E. Casey, the Ford Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation,
and others began with separate efforts. In 1993, grassroots workers
in these projects, involved academicians, foundation representatives,
and some federal agency representatives formed the NATIONAL COMMUNITY
BUILDING NETWORK as a way to link their efforts, promote sharing
and learning, and influence public policy towards community building.
Throughout the United States, numerous community building initiatives are underway. THE ATLANTA PROJECT involves a comprehensive effort at economic, social, and housing revitalization. Other cities associated with the National Community Building Network that are illustrative of these efforts include: THE CLEVELAND COMMUNITY BUILDING INITIATIVE, BOSTON PERSISTENT POVERTY PROJECT.
Oakland, California has gained recognition
for its efforts in community building at its establishment of
a LOCALLY BASED INTERMEDIARY UNIT through the Urban Strategies
Council to serve as a non-political and non-institutional entity
to provide assistance to organizational coalitions and neighborhoods
in community building efforts.
In 1993, the National Civic League pulled together a group of
some 150 representatives from various organizations concerned
with cities and local communities to explore the need for and
interest in a coalition effort related to reinvgiorate civic life
in the United States. The group wholeheartedly endorsedthe concept
and the ALLIANCE FOR NATIONAL RENEWAL was born. As a coalition,
the Alliance is attempting to foster a rebirth of civic involvement
through publications, conferences, and online information regarding
community building efforts throughout the country. They maintain
a comprehensive resource listing of organizations throughout the
country who are partners in the alliance.
In a similar vein, a range of people and organizations have been
seeking new approaches to address concerns of people excluded
and on the margins of our society. In the last twenty years, the
approach taken has largely focussed on providing legal rights
and protections for an increasing number of specially defined
groups. Advocacy has occurred at local, state, and national levels
largely based on the use of legal remedies. The tone has clearly
been adversarial pitting the increasing number of identified victims
against the system and against other groups seeking resources.
Increasing number of writers, however, have illustrated how this
has fragmented the society into increasingly warring factions.
Syke's "A Nation of Victims" is illustrative of this
trend. The debate over "multiculturalism" involves groups
who insist on the identification with ethnic and cultural heritage
on the one hand against those concerned that communities and the
country are losing any common bond.
In this context, there are growing numbers of people who use the
framework of INCLUSIVE COMMUNITY BUILDING as a way of suggesting
that we can work towards a common bond of caring and respect which
highlights, rather than extinguishes, celebration of differences.
An important book is Joseph Campbell's The Remaking of America.
In this book, he describes the cultural contributions of various
"minority" groups to the foundations of the country
as a whole ending with a call to community that respects diversity.
This way of thinking has been particularly important related to
work with people with disabilities. New conceptual approaches
and operational methods of supporting the celebration of diversity
in real places are being developed and tried throughout the country.
A wide ranging, but conceptually linked, set of efforts have been
underway over the last 15 years that support "community inclusion"
of people with disabilities and builds the capacity of the community
The INCLUSIVE SCHOOLING movement is being most central in this
effort. Moving well beyond efforts to "mainstream" students
with mild disabilities in public schools where special assistance
is provided in "pull-out" programs while their severely
disabled counterparts were educated in separate classes or schools,
inclusive education seeks a goal of including all students learning
with "regular" students, no matter the degree of severity
of the disability. However, supports and assistance to both teachers
and students are provided in a regular classroom. For the first
time, education of students with disabilities is impacting on
the structure of the total school system rather than being seen
as an add-on. This comes at an opportune time. Many school personnel
see improvements in instructional and schooling practices -- cooperative
learning, constructivist approaches to learning, student and teacher
support teams -- not only as consistent with but integrally connected
with inclusive education. As educators seek to build "communities
of learners" in which students are actively involved in learning
in diverse groups, inclusive education is seen by many as one
more important opportunity to build problem-solving skills and
emotional intelligence, to use Daniel Goldman's phrase of his
book from the same title, of students. While controversial, school
districts throughout the world are adopting inclusive education,
or "inclusion" as some call it, as a way of doing business.
Many efforts are underway to improve schooling for children and
youth in our country. A central element of this is a desire to
move from schools run like hierarchical factories to classrooms
which engender a sense of community, cooperation, and caring --
creating a "community of learners." These efforts have
been stimulated from multiple perspectives. On the one hand, it
is clear that children (and adults) learn more effectively when
they are engaged in meaningful activities working in concert with
others. Cooperative learning and authentic curriculum represent
frameworks of strategies for incorporating these basic principles.
Other educators and researchers have investigated the impact of
"tracking", group students of presumed similar functioning
levels together. For some students, such as students with disabilities
or even gifted students, the thinking that has promoted tracking
results in their exclusion from the larger life of the school
being relegated to separate classes or schools. Even for the many
"mildly" disabled students in regular classes, they
often leave their classes to obtain special help. As part of President
Busch's efforts to improve education, numerous education reform
efforts are occurring throughout the country in which "untracking"
and heterogenous grouping of children is a basic practice. In
Kentucky, well-researched efforts to create multi-age classrooms
have resulted in higher educational achievement of students and
created a sense of caring and community. Similarly, the national
movement for "inclusion" or inclusive schooling, most
often terms associated with students with disabilities, is similarly
creating opportunities to value diversity, create a sense of safety
and community, and promote increased educational outcomes simultaneously.
Finally, the link between "socialization" and "academics"
is becoming clear. Often seen as opposites between which educators,
communities, and parents must choose, recent studies and research
based on brain functioning make it clear that in fact learning,
emotions, and relationships are highly related. One cannot efficiently
exist without the other. Goldman's recent book on EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE
indicates that handling one's emotions and interpersonal relationships
determines at least half of the success of an individual as opposed
to sheer academic prowess and technical intelligence. Relatedly,
Alfie Kohn in Beyond Discipline has challenged the traditional
"behavior management" paradigms of schools suggesting
that a focus on community and caring rather than control is the
key to prevent behavioral problems. Researchers and community
workers concerned about the prevention of violence in communities
suggest similar strategies in their work in schools and communities
as seen in Victor LaCuerva's recent book.
Individuals, organizations, and coalitions are attempting to build
community throughout this country. Different strategies are being
utilized in various arenas. At the central core, however, is the
creation and strengthening of relationships of a group of people.
Various intentional strategies are being utilized.
and psychotherapist Scott Peck, is being increasingly important
in the development, testing, and widespread use a specific approach
to building community among a group of people. Throughout the
country, series of workshops are being offered to bring people
together and systematically provide experiences for facilitated
sharing and bonding in which "community" in the deepest
sense of the word is created.
For many years, of course, various "self-help" groups
have created such caring and supportive community to assist people
in dealing with specific areas of their lives which have been
of concern to them -- the "addiction" groups starting
with Alchoholics Anonymous are widespread throughout the country.
While they speak less of the language of community building, this
is clearly what occurs.
In other cases, groups who are excluded from the mainstream community
come together for mutual support, again often around specific
areas in their lives. Such groups often foster a sense of community
albeit in substitution for a larger acceptance. In these cases,
exclusion and isolation, the opposites of community, help create
a safe place for bonding. However, it is also true that the dynamics
that create the necessity for such groups are reflective of the
need for a more inclusive approach to building community and supporting
On a larger basis, a variety of efforts are occurring that bring
people together in local communities to look at their common life
together. These efforts provide opportunities for building relationships
among local people while supporting their efforts to address concrete
issues of concern. The Healthy Cities movement is one such effort
that brings coalitions of individuals together to consider methods
for improving the mental, physical, and spiritual health of communties.
A range of tools are being developed for collaborative planning
that are conducive to community building. OPEN-SPACE TECHNOLOGY
utilizes a process by which a group of people come together, create
their own agenda, and work through a process out of which they
leave with specific written plans and information. Related planning
processes for groups including FUTURE SEARCH CONFERENCES and PATHWAYS
For individuals and families, similar types of planning and support
tools are providing powerful opportunities, new social forms says
John O'Brien, for people coming together for caring and support.
CIRCLES OF SUPPORT bring family, neighbors, and professionals
together around a person. PERSON-CENTERED PLANNING uses similar
open processes among groups to help individuals and families plan
in ways that build on strengths, focus on dreams. Started as alternatives
to human services seen as controlling, bureaucratic, and restrictive,
these tools are increasingly being merged with human service system
reforms. In many cities and states, WRAP-AROUND SERVICES are attempting
to at minimum more effectively coordinate human services putting
families at the center and focussing on strengths. What clearly
happens in all of these endeavors is that people come together
to deal with issues in a way that is often fun, engaging, and
conducive to enhancing relationships among those involved.
Concern for building a sense of caring and community is undergirding
many efforts at economic revitalization, housing design, and the
design and renovation of physical spaces in communities. Taking
clues from Oldenberg's book THE GREAT GOOD PLACE which describes
the importance of informal community "watering holes"
and meeting places, some designers are looking for ways to encourage
such interactions and relationship building on a comfortable basis.
The "communes" of the 1960's and their earlier 19th
century counterparts are growing once again in the United States.
reorganized and has been publishing the magazine COMMUNITIES.
Such intentional communities appear to be growing again after
drastic reductions at the end of the 60's and early 1970's.
While many intentional communites involve specific locations in
rural areas set apart, a CO-HOUSING movement is also occuring
in neighborhoods. In Co-Housing types of arrangements people live
in typical neighborhoods and develop ways of sharing their lives
as an intentional community. Neighbors may pool areas of backyards
into a common space, identify a "common house" in which
they share meals and activities. In other forms, houses may actually
be designed for this purpose.
Community building efforts have found a congenial home with many leaders in the Clinton administration for whom "community" had been a central campaign theme and a focus brought to Washington by many appointees. The Community Service Act, Empowerment Zone legislation, and community building efforts embedded in HOPE legislation linked community service activities of youth, community-centered economic development, and housing for poor people in a loose but conceptually connected set of policy initiatives.
Community building is beginning to have
some visibility as a policy alternative to typical liberal and
conservative approaches. Michael Lerner in his book THE POLITICS
OF MEANING has been an articulate spokesperson for approaches
to policy that are grounded in a focus on building respectful
relationships and caring in local communities.
From a slightly different but related perspective, Harvard academician
Amitai Etzioni has provided leadership in formation of the COMMUNITARIAN
NETWORK. This organization has provided a central forum and organizing
focus for politicians, businessmen, academicians and others of
"communitarian" persuasion to consider policy issues
from a community building perspective. The network publishes quarterly
journal, The Responsive Community, holds periodic conferences
and seminars, and is active in public policy. THE COMMUNITY SPIRIT
is a book that documents the platform of this highly influential
network of individuals.
It is not presently clear what the overall and long-term impact
of communitarian, community-building thinking and practice will
be in the United States and the world. What is clear is that much
action, thought, writing, and dialogue is occurring under this
framework. Those involved appear to be energized in sensing that
their approach seeks new ways of seeking justice, dignity, and
human rights in a way that builds on strengths, seeks dialogue,
and moves away from partisan conflict. That the language, action,
and approaches engage the hope for healing and change is clear.
What the future portends will, however, be seen.