Collaborative Teaching between

General and Special Education Teachers

In this clip, we see a class in which collaborative teaching is occurring between a general and special education teacher and paraprofessional. We focus primarily on the special education teacher.

This school serves children grades K - 3. The school seeks to include and support all children in learning together. Serving a very diverse, rural population, some 56% of their students are on free and reduced lunch. Children with autism, cerebral palsy, mental retardation, learning disabilities, emotional disturbance, and other disabilities attend this school.

The school has developed an amazing culture of inclusion and a working support staff team. The one special educator in this school of some 500 children, along with a speech therapist, part-time occupational therapist, Title I teacher, and paraprofessionals provide collaborative teaching with teachers throughout the school.

In this clip, you see a general education teacher working with one group of children using a card game to work on math and Brenda, the special education teacher, working with another small group of children on literacy. Later in the clip we switch to a similar situation in another classroom.

The school uses a variation on guided reading for much of their literacy instruction. Brenda has been working with a small group reading a small book together, asking questions, talking about the story. Here you see her helping a child as he reads the small book.

Michael Peterson, 2003