Susan Austin. Susan is a second grade teacher at the Dewey Center for Urban Education in Detroit. Susan and Debra Goodman collaborated on a research project that was the basis for Debra's doctoral dissertation.
Don Anderson, Director, Educational Accessibility Services, Wayne State University,
Candee Basford, 3320 Buck Run Rd., Seaman, Ohio 45679,
Candee Basford is the mother of three children and lives
on a farm in Adams County, Ohio. She has a degree in organizational
management and has worked as an advocate for students with disabilities
and their families. Currently, Candee works with the Child Advocacy
Center of Cincinnati, a Parent, Training, and Information Center,
she consults with several schools on the Success for All Students
Grant for inclusive education, and she facilitates action learning
groups on the Removing the Mask Grant for self-determination.
Shannon Blaney , 219 Georgetown Road, Weston, CT 06883, (203) 222-8690 Shannon is just finishing her master's in elementary education at Teachers College.
Grace Lee Boggs ( is an activist, scholar, writer, community organizer and speaker whose sixty years of political involvement encompass the major U.S. political and social movements of this century: Labor, Civil Rights, Black Power, Asian American, women's and Environment Justice movements. Born in Providence, Rhode Island of Chinese immigrant parents in 1915, she received her B.A. from Barnard College in 1935 and her Ph.D. in philosophy from Bryn Mawr College in 1940. In the 1940's and 1950's she worked with West Indian Marxist historian C.L.R. James and in 1953 she came to Detroit where she married James Boggs, African American labor activist, writer, and strategist. Working together in innumerable grassroots groups, they were intellectual, personal, and political partners for over 40 years until James' death in July 1993. Their book, Revolution and Evolution In the 20th Century, was published by Monthly Review Press in 1974. Dr. Boggs co-founded Detroit Summer in 1992, a multi-cultural, intergenerational youth program to rebuild, redefine, and respirit Detroit from the ground up. She is a regular contributor to the Michigan Citizen and speaks to community and university groups in Detroit and throughout the country. Her autobiography, Living for Change, was published in 1998.
Sid Bolkosky, Oak Park, Michigan. Dr Bolkosky is an internationally recognized expert in Holocaust studies. His extensive interviews with Holocaust survivors are memorialized in the U.S. Holocaust Museum.
Bill Boyer, Oak Park High School, Oak Park, Michigan. Mr. Boyer teaches social studies, drama, and baseball. Currently in the Master of Arts in Teaching program at Wayne State University, his one-man show "William Testament" runs this July at the Zeitgeist Theatre in Detroit. He can be reached through Real Alternative Theatre (RAT) Productions, P.O. Box 1110, Birmingham, Michigan 48012 or call 313- 831-2585.
Robert Carr, Wayne State University, Department of English, 51 W. Warren, Detroit, MI 48202 (734) 663-1557.
Earlymay Chibende, Wayne State University, Department of English, 51 W. Warren, Detroit, MI 48202 (734) 663-1557
Elly Cole , Center for Artistry in Teaching (CAT), 1421
22nd Street N.W., Washington, D.C. 20037 202-822-8081 (phone),
202-822-0088 (fax).
Elly Cole is the Program Officer for Center for Artistry in Teaching,s
tutoring and mentoring program held at an inner-city Washington
D.C. Public School. Ms. Cole conducts training sessions for volunteer
literacy tutors, continually updates and develops CAT,s literacy
curriculum, and serves as a facilitator for CAT,s professional
development workshops for educators. The Center for Artistry
in Teaching (CAT) is a nonprofit education organization
dedicated to improving the quality of teaching and learning in
Washington D.C. public schools. Targeting D.C.'s economically
disadvantaged communities, CAT is addressing the crisis in urban
public education by working directly with teachers and students
to make schools places fueled by curiosity, rigorous analysis
of academic material, and mutual respect between students and
teachers. The session will present CAT,s method of professional
Gerald Coles is an educational psychologist who has written extensively on literacy and learning. He has been in the forefront of the opposition to the legislative and policy mandates that have used so-called indisputable scientific evidence to justify replacing progressive changes in beginning reading education with scripted, narrow, skills-emphasis instruction. His recently published book Misreading Reading: The Bad Science That Hurts Children critiques this research, much of which has been financed by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD). His previous book, Reading Lessons: The Debate Over Literacy (1988), argues that the dominant debate disregards the myriad societal influences that affect teaching and learning. Formerly a member of the Department of Psychiatry at Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, he now writes full-time in Ithaca, NY. gscoles@IGC.ORG
Nancy Creech is a multiage primary teacher in Roseville Michigan,. She teaches brilliant first, second and third graders at Dort Elementary School. Nancy is a Doctoral student in Reading, Language and Literacy at Wayne State University and received her Ed. Specialist in Early Childhood education. She is an Eleanor Roosevelt Fellow, and was chosen Roseville's Elementary WDIV Teacher of the Year in 1998.
E. Bryce Dickey, C.F.L.E. Department of Family and Consumer Sciences College of Education Western Michigan University Kalamazoo, MI 49008 As the leader of the Parent and Teachers Organization for a magnet school this parent was able to provide a context for moving beyond the status quo to the possible development of assessment which reflect the unique needs of the school.
Randi Douglas, Northwest Regional Education Lab, Portland, Oregon. Randi Douglas has work experience ranging from fruit picker, cannery worker, truck stop waitress, retail clerk, professional actress, director, playwright and producer, college teacher and educational program designer and consultant. She has a M.F.A. in Theatre Arts and an M.A. and B.A. in English, with decades of experience supplementing her artistic and social action work as a contract writer. In Detroit, she founded the Detroit Storyliving program with Josh White, Jr., a unique approach to engaging students as participatory citizens through imaginative participation in the events and music of key historical events. She currently works as an associate with the Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory as a national consultant and trainer to volunteer programs in education.
Carole Edelsky has been a professor at Arizona State University since 1976. She has researched and written about children's writing in a bilingual program, teaching in whole language classrooms, gender in political debates, having the floor in conversations, acquiring a second language when you're a speaker of the dominant language, and rethinking whole language so it accounts for its own politically progressive roots.
Heidi Eichbauer, Department of English, Wayne State University, 1285 E. Walton Blvd. #203, Pontiac, MI 48340, (248)370-8851 Heidi is a master's degree student in Wayne State's English Department. Her research interests include linguistics, vernacular theory and the philosophy of language.
Janice Fialka, Huntington Woods, Michigan.
Janice is a social worker of 25 years and the mother of two children,
one of whom has developmental disabilities (and many gifts as
well). She is a national speaker and trainer on the topic of
parent-professional partnerships and co-teaches, as a parent
faculty, a graduate social work course at Wayne State University.
She has written two books, It Matters: Lessons from My
Son and Do You Hear What I Hear: Parents and Professionals
Working For Children With Special Needs. She is the author
of the much-published poem, "Advice to Professionals who
must 'conference cases' ". Janice believes that strengthening
the parent-professional partnerships is an essential aspect to
helping children achieve their greatest potential. She speaks
from her unique vantage point as a mother and as an experienced
social worker.
Steven C. Fleury, Chair, Department of Education, LeMoyne College, Syracuse, New York
Judith Gessi, Department of English, Wayne State University, 365 E. Lewiston, Ferndale, MI 48220, (248)399-9162 Judy is a master's degree student in Wayne State's English Department. Her interests include cultural studies, the philosophy of art and composition studies.
Rich Gibson, Wayne State University, 269 Education, Detroit, Michigan 48202 313-577-1671. Rich is Assistant Professor in the College of Education at Wayne State University. Dr. Gibson is active in numerous arenas involving equity, equality, and democracy in education. A Fulbright scholar with considerable international experience, he worked for many years with the National Education Association as an organizer, Better--curriculum and negotiations specialist has studied the methods of Paulo Freire and others in supporting education of oppressed (better-- marginalized) groups, and is active in helping schools to address issues of diversity, racism, and economic oppression and inequality. In this context, he is a key leader in social studies organizations. His qualitative interdisciplinary research is nationally recognized for incisiveness of critique. A native Detroiter, he is known for engaging in active inquiry in instruction of both students in public schools and the university. His wide-ranging perspective on these issues provides an invaluable asset to this project that is addressing these issues in the context of school reform for all children. He is one of the co-founders of the Whole Schooling Consortium and the Rouge Forum.
Debra Goodman, 2665 Wakefield, Berkley, MI 48072 248-547-9817. Debra teaches at Hofstra University. She was a teacher in Detroit Public Schools for 15 years. She is a founding board member of Whole Language Umbrella. Debra has written a book, The Reading Detective Club, exploring the reading process with young readers and their teachers. She and Susan Austin, a second grade teacher at the Dewey Center for Urban Education in Detroit, collaborated on a research project that was the basis for Debra's doctoral dissertation.
Sean Gordon, Student , Kalamazoo College, Kalamazoo, MI Sean plans to teach in France during the next academic year. He is a recent graduate of Kalamazoo College with certification in History and French.
Janis Grant, M.L.S., 542 O'Dowd Hall, Oakland University, Rochester, MI. 48309. (248) 370-4161, fax (248) 370-4242, Janis is presently teaching courses in Social and Philosophical Issues in Education in The School of Education at Oakland University. Her interests include feminist theory, social policy, philosophy of education, and literature.
Chika Hampton, Student, Kalamazoo College , Kalamazoo, MI Chika is a recent graduate of Kalamazoo College who is looking to work in a large urban school district teaching Chemistry and English.
Britt Hamre , 460 W. 23rd Street, New York, New York 10011 212) 924-8024 Britt is a doctoral student in Curriculum and Teaching at Teachers College.
Susan Harman, 4114 39th Avenue, Oakland, CA 94619, 510-482-2856, fax 510-412-5006, Susan teaches special education in Richmond, CA and has recently organized a listserve and other formats for California resisters to the high-stakes tests. She made the "High Stakes are for Tomatoes" t-shirts.
Karen Hartke FairTest, 342 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02139; 617/864-4810; fax 617/497-2224; email to; Her direct email is Karen has worked in education and public policy throughout her career and has been particularly concerned with issues of equity in education. She currently coordinates the Assessment Reform Network for FairTest, a project connecting people across the country as they seek to change testing and assessment practices and policies. She previously directed the Clearinghouse for Immigrant Students and the Mobilization for Equity Resource Center - two technical support and education resource centers housed at the National Coalition of Advocates for Students. Prior to receiving a MA in Education Administration from Wheelock College, she worked for former Mayor Dinkins and the City Council of New York, specializing in early childhood education policy and program development. Her son attends elementary school in Boston.
Bill Henderson, 1669 Dorchester Avenue, Dorchester,
Massachusetts 02122 (617) 635-8125. FAX (617) 635-8728.
Bill Henderson has been an educator in Boston for 27 years. He
holds a B.A. from Yale University, an M.A. from Goddard College,
and an Ed.D. from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst.
Bill began his career as a bilingual teacher at the middle school
level. He has worked as a staff trainer and curriculum consultant
and as an assistant principal. Since 1989 Bill has served as principal
of the O'Hearn Elementary School, a small urban elementary school
serving children from diverse ethnic, linguistic, and ability
backgrounds from early childhood through grade 5.
Mishael Hittie teaches third and fourth grade, by looping at MacArthur Elementary School in Southfield, where all children in the school are fully included. She is finishing her 3rd year of teaching.
Chris Horrocks, 2839 McKenzie Avenue, Surrey, British Columbia, Canada V4A3H5, (604) 538-7100, Chris Horrocks is presently teaching in an elementary school as well as instructing half time in the Classroom and Community Support Program at Douglas College and contract lecturing in the Faculty of Education at the University of British Columbia.
Sue Huellmantel, Multi-age teacher, Macarthur Elementary School, Southfield Public Schools, Southfield, Michigan.
David W. Hursh, Director of Teacher Education, University of Rochester, Rochester, New York David W. Hursh is Associate Professor and Director of Teacher Education at the Warner Graduate School of Education at the University of Rochester. In the 1970s he co-directed an alternative university, directed two private elementary schools (one of which he founded), and was a con-sultant on race and gender equity. He is the author numerous studies on democracy including "Reforming Schools: From Pious Hope to Democratic Struggle" in Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education.
Ojay Johnson, Wayne State University, Department of
English, 51 W. Warren, Detroit, MI 48202
(734) 663-1557
Elizabeth B. Keefe, Assistant Professor, University of New Mexico, College of Education, Special Education, Education Office Building 202, University of New Mexico, NM 87131-1231 (505) 277-1587 (505) 277-1587 Liz Keefe is Assistant Professor in Special Education, College of Education at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque. She is Co-Coordinator of the Dual License Program.
Norman Kunc is a writer, a speaker, and a disability rights activist. Born with cerebral palsy, Norman attended a segregated school for children with physical disabilities; then, at age 13, he was integrated into a regular school. From there, he completed an honors degree in Humanities at York University. He than completed a Master of Science degree in Family Therapy at the University of Guelph. Norman is a lecturer with the Principal's Center at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, as well as an associate of The Facilitated Communication Institute at Syracuse University.
Paula Kluth, Assistant Professor, Department of Teaching and Leadership, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY 13244 (315) 443-5272 Dr. Kluth is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Teaching and Leadership at Syracuse University. She is a former special educator who has served as a classroom teacher and consulting teacher. She has taught in and engages in research in both elementary and secondary schools. Her professional and research interests center on including students with significant disabilities in inclusive classrooms and designing curricular adaptations for learners with and without disabilities.
Barbara McKenzie, 1115 Lori Lane, Westerville, Ohio 43081 614-891-3027 Barbara McKenzie is the mother of two children and lives in Westerville, Ohio, a suburb of Columbus. She has a degree in secondary education, has worked as an advocate for students with disabilities and their families, and is the vice-president of Schools Are For Everyone, Ohio S.A.F.E. Barb, who has been trained in and facilitates several types of person-centered planning processes as well as facilitating action learning groups, currently works as a private consultant. She has been actively involved in local, state, and national school reform efforts.
Anna Liedberg Miron
Bill Mullen is Associate Professor of English/Africana Studies at Youngstown State University. He is the author of Popular Fronts: Chicago and African American Cultural Politics, 1935-1946. He is a member of the Youngstown Prison Forum.
Sigamoney Naicker, 5 Grant Street, Kenilworth, Cape Town, South Africa, 7780. International code+27+21+4036404 (work), + 27 + 21+6718660 (home), Fax +27+21+4195967. Sigamoney Naicker has published widely both within the South African context and internationally. He was appointed commissioner on the National Commission on Special Needs Education and Training in South Africa. Sigamoney has written a book titled Curriculum 2005: A Space for All: An Introduction to Inclusive Education. He has also co-edited another book titled Inclusive Education in South Africa. Sigamoney has worked as an academic prior to taking up a position in a provincial education department in the area of special needs. He has recently been seconded to work in research and policy in the area of curriculum. Further, he has been involved in writing up the conceptual documents on the new curriculum in South Africa for the national department of education. He has also trained trainers at a national level on the theory and practice of the new curriculum.
Monty Neill, Ed.D., is currently the Executive Director of the National Center for Fair & Open Testing (FairTest). FairTest, 342 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02139; 617/864-4810; fax 617/497-2224; email to; His direct email is He has directed FairTest's work on testing in the public schools since 1987. Among many publications, he is co-author of Implementing Performance Assessments: A Guide to Classroom School and System Reform. He also led the National Forum on Assessment in writing Principles and Indicators for Student Assessment Systems, which has been signed by over 80 national and regional education and civil rights organizations. Most recently, he wrote Testing Our Children: A Report Card on State Assessment Systems, the first comprehensive evaluation of all 50 state testing programs. Prior to assuming his position at FairTest, he earned a Doctorate at Harvard University with his dissertation The Struggle of Boston's Black Community for Quality and Equality in Education: 1960-1985. He has taught and been an administrator in pre-school, high school and college.
Thomas J. Neuville, Ph.D. Millersville University, Special Education/Gerhart, P.O. Box 1002, Millersville, PA 17002, (717) 871-4880 Dr. Neuville has worked for people with developmental disabilities for over twenty-five years. He has always used a community organizing approach. Mentors such as John Mcknight, Wolf Wolfensberger, and Myles Horton have influenced his capacity for whole systems action.
Gerald Oglan. Gerry is Associate Professor in the Teacher Education Division of the WSU College of Education, will serve as a co-director and co-researcher on this project specifically related to literacy and professional development. In addition to his doctorate from the University of South Carolina, Dr. Oglan is also certified in Canada as a specialist in the areas of physical and health education and special education. Dr. Oglan's teaching and research efforts focus on the exceptional child and literacy. His current funded research includes a U.S. Department of Education Office of Educational Research and Improvement 21st Century Community Service Learning program proposal; and Ontario Early Literacy Project: Technology Incentive Partnership Program; and a Detroit News/Free Press Newspapers in Education Research Grant. Dr. Oglan has published and presented widely on the topics of The Whole Child: Learning Styles and the Learning Disabled Student, literacy and whole language, and young writers programs. He received the Award of Excellence in Special Education, Exemplary Classroom Practices for Learning Disabled Students from the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, Toronto, Ontario and is presently the President of the Whole Language Umbrella.
Martin Oppenheimer, Educational Consultant, Southwestern Ohio SERRC, 1301 Bonnell, 3rd Floor, Cincinatti, Ohio 45215 (513) 563-0045 X. 16. Fax: (513) 563-0588, Martin has worked in Ohio's network of Special Education Regional Resource Centers for 15 years. Most of his work has focused on providing training to and supporting school-based teams working to develop inclusive education communities.
Celia Oyler , Teachers College, 525 West 120th Street, Box 31, New York, NY 10027 (212) 678-3696 (212) 678-3237 (fax) Celia is an associate professor at Teachers College in New York City.
Janice Payne , District 75, 400 1st Avenue, New York, New York 10010 (212) 802-1546 (212) 802-1683 (fax) Janice is the inclusion facilitator for Manhattan public schools.
Michael Peterson, Ph.D. Wayne State University, College
of Education, 217 Education, Detroit, Michigan 48202. 313-577-1607.
FAX 313-577-4091
Michael is Professor at Wayne State University in special and
general teacher education. He has worked in many capacities with
individuals with special needs that include urban teaching, vocational
training and placement, and counseling. He has specialized in
work with children and adults with disabilities. He has worked
in higher education for 20 years training teachers, counselors,
and related professionals. From 1988 to 1994 he directed the Developmental
Disabilities Institute at Wayne State University. He has published
over 50 articles, 20 monographs, and is completing a book entitled
Teaching in the Inclusive School due to be published in
2001. He is co-founder and Coordinator of the Whole Schooling
Consortium, Co-directs the Whole Schooling Research Project, and
is working with three schools in Detroit as part of the Annenberg
21st Century Schools Initiative.
Richard C. Pipan, Ed.D., 542 O'Dowd Hall, Oakland University, Rochester, MI 48309, (248) 370-4161, fax (248) 370-4242, Dr. Pipan is Associate Professor of Education in the Department of Human Development at Oakland University. His interests include critical pedagogy, philosophy of education, educational psychology and cultural studies.
Shoshanna Reiss , P.O. Box 389, Stone Ridge, NY 12484,
914-687-9166 Shoshanna
just completed a master's in elementary education from Teachers
College. She is committed to inclusive and multicultural education.
R. Craig Roney, Associate Professor, 287 Education Bldg., Wayne State University, Detroit, MI 48202.(313) 577-0928 Craig is an Associate Professor of Teacher Education at Wayne State University in Detroit. He specializes in instruction in Children's Literature, and Storytelling and regularly teaches both graduate and undergraduate courses in these areas as well as more general coursework in elementary and middle school teacher preparation. Craig is a past member and chair of the Committee on Storytelling of the National Council of Teachers of English and the International Reading Association Storytelling Special Interest Group. He frequently conducts workshops, school demonstrations, lectures and seminars both regionally and nationally particularly regarding the use of children's literature and storytelling in the classroom. He has also written numerous publications on these topics.
E. Wayne Ross, Associate Professor,, State University of New York Binghamton, Editor, Theory and Research in Social Education, Binghamton, New York Wayne is Associate Professor of Education at the State University of New York at Binghamton, where he teaches courses in social studies education, qualitative research, and edu-cational foundations. A former secondary social studies and day care teacher, Ross is also co-founder of the Rouge Forum, a group of educators, students, and parents seeking a democratic society. He is the editor or co-editor of several books including The Social Studies Curriculum: Purposes, Problems, and Possibilities (SUNY Press), Reflective Practice in Social Studies (National Council for the Social Studies) and Teacher Personal Theorizing: Connecting Curriculum Practice, Theory, and Research (SUNY Press) and author of numerous articles and essays on issues of curriculum theory and practice and the politics of education. He is currently editor of the journal Theory and Research in Social Education.
Pamela J. Rossi, Assistant Professor, University of New Mexico, College of Education, Language, Literacy and Sociocultural Studies, Hokona Hall-Zuni 230, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87131 (505) 277-0094 Fax: (505) 277-8362. Pamela Rossi is Assistant Professor in Language, Literacy and Sociocultural Studies, College of Education at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque. She is Co-Coordinator of the Dual License (Special/ Elementary Education) Teacher Preparation Program.
Diane Lea Ryndak, Department of Special Education, University of Florida, G315 Norman Hall, PO Box 117050, Gainesville, FL 32611-7050, Diane Ryndak is a faculty member in the Department of Special Education at the University of Florida. In this capacity she prepares teachers to serve students with severe disabilities in inclusive general education settings, and works with school districts in school reform efforts to better serve ALL students in inclusive schools.
George N. Schmidt is editor of Substance, a monthly investigative and analytical newspaper covering public education in Chicago. After a career of nearly 30 years as a classroom teacher in Chicago, he is currently suspended without pay and facing a $1.4 million lawsuit for publishing materials critical of Chicago's CASE examinations in Substance.
Sharon M. Schmidt is associate editor of Substance and the newspaper's most prolific reporter and analyst. Sharon Schmidt's beats have included the destruction of one of the city's most successful high schools, manipulation of school board meeting reports, and the destruction of the lives and hopes of Chicago's school maintenance workers through "privatization."
Karen Selby 1200 Academy Department of Education Kalamazoo College Kalamazoo, MI 49006 Voice 616-337-7033 Fax 616-337-7030 kselby@kzoo. Moderator of the locally convened Educational Summit. Newly appointed chair of the Department of Education at Kalamazoo College. Dr. Selby has been conducting research into multicultural literature and the use of technology for the past 14 years. Also she is a parent who now questions her role as one of the many academics who participated in the creation of the present MEAP assessment program.
Pat Shannon. 253 Chambers Building, Penn State University,
University Park, PA
16802. Patrick
Shannon is a professor of Education at Penn State University.
He teaches weekly in primary grades at the State College Friends
School and at the Alternative High School. He is the author or
editor of several books including You Better Shop Around, Becoming
Political Too, and Better Vision: A Critical Look at Teacher
Education due out this year.
Seena Skelton, Education Consultant. Southwestern Ohio SERRC, 1301 Bonnell, 3rd Floor, Cincinatti, Ohio 45215 (513) 563-0045 X. 29. Fax: (513) 563-0588, Seena Skelton has a background in school psychology and has worked as a school psychologist for Head Start early childhood programs. She is pursuing a doctorate at the University of Cincinatti where her area of research is inclusive practices. She has worked for the past two years at the Southwestern Ohio Special Education Regional Resource Center (SERRC0 supporting school teams implementing the Intervention-Based Assessment process.
Thomas Trimble, Department of English, Wayne State University,
4467 Korte MI 48126
Thomas is a first year Ph.D. student in the English Department
at Wayne State University here in Detroit. His research interests
center on the connections between literacy, urban politics and
the cultural politics of cities.
Rich Villa, Bayridge Consortium, 767 Pebble Beach Drive, San Marcos, California 92069. Voice / fax 760-761-4917 Rich Villa has worked with thousands of teachers and administrators throughout North America and the world in developing and implementing instructional support systems for educating all students within general education settings. He has been a classroom teacher, special education coordinator, pupil personnel services director, and director of instructional services. He has authored over seventy articles and book chapters regarding inclusive education and has co-edited four books for teachers, administrators, and parents: Creating An Inclusive School; Restructuring For Caring And Effective Education; Piecing The Puzzle Together; And Collaborative Learning: A Practical Guide For Empowering Students And Teachers. Rich has presented at numerous national and international conferences.
Kevin D. Vinson, Assistant Professor,, Loyola College in Maryland, Baltimore, Maryland Kevin D. Vinson is Assistant Professor and Coordinator of Graduate Programs in Curriculum and Instruction in the Education Department at Loyola College in Maryland, where he teaches courses in Philosophy of Education, Social Studies Methods, and Theory and Research on Teaching. His work focuses on the philosophical and theoretical contexts of social studies, with respect to questions of power, image, representation, culture, social justice, equality, freedom, diversity, and democracy. His research has appeared in Theory and Research in Social Education, The Social Studies, and Social Education, and has been presented at the annual meetings of the American Educational Research Association & the National Council for the Social Studies. His chapter, "Oppression, Anti-Oppression, and Citizenship Education," will appear in the forth-coming revised edition of The Social Studies Curriculum: Purposes, Problems, and Possibilities (edited by E. Wayne Ross). Currently, he serves as a member of the TRSE Editorial Board and as a member of CUFA's Committee on Diversity and Social Justice.
Terri Ward, Florida Inclusion Network, University of Central Florida, 1200 W. International Speedway Blvd., Daytona Beach, FL 32114, Terri Ward is a regional facilitator for the Florida Inclusion Network. In this capacity she develops and implements in-service and technical assistance for schools and districts related to providing services for ALL students in inclusive schools.
Constance (Connie) Weaver, a professor of English at
Western Michigan, has long been an advocate of effective literacy
education through her several books and other publications, and
an advocate of public education through her activism. She is
co-founder and president of Michigan for Public Education, a grassroots,
non-profit organization advocating for educational equality and
excellence. She also co-chaired ÿ a National Congress for
Public Education in 1998.
Julie Weber. Binghamton, NY. Julie has a BA and MA in political science and a Ph.D. from Penn State University in Curriculum and Instruction. Her teaching experience includes substitute teaching at the junior and senior high school level; first grade teaching and remedial reading teaching grades 1-5; elementary social studies methods at Penn State University; and at Florida International University 1998-99. Presentations include "Women and Peace" at East Stroudsburg University; "The History of the American School Peace League" and "Social Studies Methods" both at NCSS; and "Democracy and Peace" at AERA.
Josh White Jr.
Josh has performed on the world's great stages of four continents,
including the Kennedy Center, Lincoln Center, Madison Square Garden
and Carnegie Hall. During the folk music boom of the 60's and
70's, Josh headlined more than 2000 college concerts and was deemed
'Dean of College Concert Attractions.' Josh was raised in the
tradition of folk-blues music and social activism as the son of
the legendary Josh White, who is recently celebrated in Josh Jr.'s
latest CD a tribute to his father's musical contributions.
Josh White Jr. has combined his distinguished musical career with
a consistent involvement in humanitarian and educational efforts.
In Detroit, he collaborated with Randi Douglas to pioneer an active
approach to learning history Detroit Storyliving, now serving
classroom throughout Michigan.