Lincoln Elementary School
1325 Theis Lane
Port Washington, WI 53074
Type of School: Elementary School (K-4)
Location: Port Washington: Located 25 miles north of Milwaukee
Size: Approximately 350 students
Typically three classes per grade level
One of three elementary schools in a city of 10,000.
Student Population: 97% Caucasian, 2% African-American, 1% Other
All students are included in a general education homeroom
Principal: John Taylor Highly respected by all teachers,
parents, community members, and fellow administrators. Served
Lincoln Elementary for approximately 15 years
Teachers: Majority of the teachers are experienced and have taught
at Lincoln Elementary for many years. Majority of the teaching
staff are Caucasian.
Students help teaching staff develop the curriculum in the
multi-age units.
The Explorer Group (site based management team) includes parents
and staff. This group developed the school mission, vision, and
goals in addition to new programs.
The wellness committee and other committees research and propose
changes for ongoing school improvement.
The teachers decide on the most effective staffing arrangements.
A Multiage program is available in the primary grades.
All students with mild/moderate disabilities (i.e., deaf/hard
of hearing; emotional disturbance, learning disabilities, mental
retardation) are included full-time in their general education
homeroom with academic and behavioral support provided through
the Student Tutoring Extension Program (STEP) as needed.
All students participate in the general education curriculum
with adaptations and modifications.
Through the STEP program, special education staff members are
available to work with all students, not just students with disabilities.
Reading instruction is at each child's instructional level, with
flexible instructional groupings that change as children progress
at their rate.
Some children receive additional reading instruction through
the STEP program.
Reading Recovery is also available for those who may benefit
from the program.
Science and Social Studies is taught to mixed age groups.
Approximately 75% of the teachers are trained in cooperative
learning and use it effectively for the benefit of all children.
STEP program staff provide flexible, yet consistent support to
any student (with or without disabilities) needing assistance
in any content area. Children needing help from STEP change from
week to week depending upon the curriculum being taught and the
student's needs.
Through the PALS program, fourth-graders serve as peer partners
and work with kindergartners.
Explorer Committee (parents and school personnel) work together
on the school mission, vision, goals, values, and activities.
Many parents volunteer in the classrooms on a daily basis.