Lily Elementary
N7526 School Road
Lily, WI 54491

Type of School: Elementary School (PreK-6)
Location: Lily: Located in rural northern Wisconsin
Rural: Town population of approximately 100
Size: Two-room schoolhouse
Approximately 37 students across K-6 grades
Teacher-pupil ratios are 1-18
Student Population: Majority of students are Caucasian.
Some students have emotional or learning disabilities
No separate special education classrooms exist.
62% qualify for free or reduced lunch
Principal: Teaching Principal: Sandi Gallagher
Teachers: Two multi-age teachers, both live in the Lily area.

Students created and operate a greeting card business.
Students have many choices about what and how they want to learn.
Older students take a great deal of responsibility in working with and helping the younger students.
School Effectiveness Teams are utilized.
Peer mediation is used to solve problems.

All students with disabilities are included full-time in one of the two multi-age classrooms.
Students are grouped by younger kids (K-2 grades) and older kids (3-6 grades) with one teacher assigned to each group.
Whole-school (K-6) lessons are also team taught by both teachers.
Students with cognitive, learning, emotional and hearing impairments are included full-time.

Appropriate accommodations for students with and without disabilities are made by classroom teachers.
No specialized or different curricula are used for student with disabilities. All students participate in the general education curriculum with adaptations and modifications.
All students receive their literacy instruction through the format of readers and writers workshop.
Science and social studies content is authentically taught and learned through highly interactive thematic units in the classroom and community.
Emphasis on place-based education.
Math-Their-Way is taught.

Community members and grandparents volunteer their time to teach and support the children.
School support staff and community volunteers support and work with children in a variety of ways.
Cooperative groups, peer partners, and cross-age tutoring are all used as peer support strategies.

Community members continually donate their time and money to Lily School.
Community donated land to the school for a public park which is maintained by the students and their families.
Students decide on community and school service projects that they coordinate and implement.
Began a volunteer preschool program staffed by volunteer parents and community members.
Parents and community members have lobbied to keep the school open during times of fiscal shortage.