Following is a strategic action plan for 2002-2003 for addressing the problems of the MEAP. We will be revising this plan as we move along. The contact people are listed for each major area of activity. Please contact that individual via email and become involved!!
Conference planning
/ demonstration. Greg Queen, Katy
Landless, and Bill Boyer
Conduct conferences for information.
Engage in demonstrations and public sharing of awareness information.
Target simultaneous demonstrations and information awareness in
highly public places throughout Michigan in the Fall of 2002.
Conduct seminars and demonstrations in the first week of both
the elementary / secondary and high school 'MEAP seasons' in January
and April of 2003.
Regional organizing. Dawn Vanfleteren and Jennifer
Provide outreach and support to
facilitate organizing of information and action groups statewide.
Contact people:
Detroit Metro area: Michael Peterson and Greg
Flint area: Dawn
Lansing Metro area: Sherry
Youth Against the
MEAP (YAM). Stacie
Provide opportunities for students
to become informed and express their opinions regarding the impact
of the MEAP on their education.
Public information
/ outreach. Nancy Creech
and Tanya Sharon
Coordinate and organize a systematic process for providing public
information regarding the problems of the MEAP, alternatives,
and actions to be taken.
Coordinator to request people
to respond to particular issues and write pieces for newspapers
or contact people. Nancy Creech.
Booths and sessions in state and national conferences.
- MCSS Conference
- MRA Conference
- Mi-CEC
Speaker's committee.
Group meet together to learn to deal with issues people bring
up. Jennifer Dick, Tanya
News releases. Judy Depew
Outreach / public relations for events.
State Organizations.
Woodward and Michael
Interact with key state
organizations to share information and engage in dialogue about
problems of the MEAP and better alternatives.
Materials. Greg
Develop engaging materials
that convey a message and can be used to facilitate conversations
and dialogue regarding problems of the MEAP and better alternatives
to include:
Business cards with MEAP SMEAP with people's names and website.
Bumper stickers.
Website and communications.
Peterson and Judy Depew
Build on existing website to provide
information and resources. Objectives to include:
- Collect stories, information, actions from people.
- MEAP website simpler address.
- Collect cartoons illustrating points in a humorous way.
Obtain funding to support
the efforts of the network. This will include:
selling pins / buttons.
Resource support.
Copying: contact Michael Peterson and
Greg Queen.
Facilities for meetings at Wayne State: Contact Michael Peterson
Scholarly critique. Rich Gibson and Wayne Ross. Document and articulate scholarly papers that describe the problems of the MEAP and more effective alternatives.
Work with the state legislature to obtain funding for a comprehensive, third party, critical analysis of the MEAP to include: (a) content analysis of questions (issues of cultural discrimination, fact versus indoctrination and interpretatin, etc.); (b) process of exam development (who put together questions, what is the relationship between those who developed the exam and those profiting from it via test preparation guides, etc.?); (c) What is the impact on learning, teaching, and curriculum in Michigan schools? (d) What is the relationship between the MEAP and effective learning? (e) What is the impact on learning and mental health of children in Michigan related to the MEAP?