Action / Learning Group

For Teachers, Parents, Faculty, Administrators, Students

C/o 217 Education Building, Wayne State University
Detroit, Michigan 48202

A collaborative initiative of the Rouge Forum and Whole Schooling Consortium.

Come Together for Reflection,
Support, and Action!!

This is a time of challenge for teachers, parents, administrators, and students in our schools. Teachers ask daily, "How can I teach in my school and keep my values? How can I care for the real learning of my students without being fired?" We need a place where parents, teachers, students, university professors, administrators can come together to think, provide support for our daily challenges, learn from one another, reflect, and take action to create schools . . .

Where students matter more than test scores.
Where active, engaged learning that focuses on meaning and thinking rather than memorization of the 'right facts'.
Where students with substantial differences ­ 'gifted', 'disabled', different cultural and ethnic groups, and more ­ learn together, building a community of diversity and care.
Where teaching is a joy rather than a tool of oppression.

A group of people have been meeting for the last 3 years for this very purpose. We've supported, challenged, and helped each other learn. We've been a strength and have developed a community. We've taken action, sponsoring three national conferences, made presentations at 10 state and national conferences, developed websites for sharing of information, and more.

We are particularly working to:

1. Stop the MEAP in the harm it is causing to learning and mental health of children and good teaching;

2. Supporting inclusive education for individual parents and teachers.

We invite you to join with us to build a stronger community for reflection, support, and action. We meet monthly and you are invited.

Minutes of the meeting for August 25th.



Whole Schooling ConsortiumRouge Forum