Eastside Detroit Whole Schooling Cluster
Bellevue, Howe, and Hutchinson Elementary Schools
May, 1999

At this meeting, a brief presentation was made regarding the Five Principles of Whole Schooling and the Annenberg process. Staff were then asked to identify priorities for how they might improve their school if they had to spend $1 million per year on the three schools. Input is organized below by the Five Principles of Whole Schooling.

Organizing Instruction And Classrooms
Eliminate split classrooms.
Eliminate grade levels-multi age classrooms
Smaller class sizes (20); Class size -25 maximum; Reduce class size to 15 students (lower)
Extended day kindergarten.
Block scheduling
Platoon system-math, science , social studies, reading.
Build and staff reading lab, math lab.
Team teaching to keep teachers at same pace.
Daily recess by cycles.
More time allotted for enrichment experiences for the student body. ex. assemblies; entertainment, motivational speakers, opportunities to interact with other children and adults from their and outside communities.
Establish cut-off date for enrollment!
Exchange students (annually)
Incorporate out-of -state field trips
Kwanza Academy; Kwanza principles taught year round.
Year round after school programs

Technology For Learning
Telephone in classroom; Phones in each classroom; Phones in all classrooms
Multimedia labs/equipment for every class; TV's & VCR's in each classroom; CD Players in each classroom; Video Players and VCR Recorders
Check-out system for computers (parents + students)
Computer in every class
Access to the Internet in all classrooms
Computer Lab.
Updated Computers
Lap Top-Skills in Technology
Individual computers for each student! (Lap tops).
Electronic Books
Digital cameras

Build New Schools
School library-updated; A media center/library for staff and student body use; Study Library; Functional library; State of the Art media center (opened beyond regular school hours); Attached Building to the School (Media Library); Library
Art Room
Duplicating room
Larger Auditorium; Auditorium; Auditorium; State of the art school/community auditorium.
School bookstore
A Parents' room
Exercise Equipment (staff + students); Whirlpool-Jacuzzi; State of the art staff fitness faculty.
Fully furnished staff lounge
Laundry room; Washer /Dryer machine in the building
Health clinic Shower(s) for the children
Bathroom remodeled.
Air conditioners, ceiling fans; Air-conditioning
Screen windows
Carpeting in every classroom; Flooring renewed.
Vending machines (sandwiches)
White slates (large)
New tables and chairs (pre-school + kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grades)
Individual desk (omit tables in 4th and 5th grades)
Refrigerators (small) in each room
Nap chairs
Water fountains in the rooms + bathrooms
Security Measure
More playground equipment; Outdoor equipment for constructive interaction during, before and after school; Completed Playground (Swings + slides); Asphalt playground
Full track field
Paved parking lot
Outside lighting
Annual school beautification week done by team contractors
Billboard to communicate with community
Tiller for Kwanza Garden-Fencing
More Lego TC Logo + Power Pacs
Pleasant maintenance and environments for a well kept building maintenance.

Each classroom should be staffed with a teacher and a full time qualified teacher assistant.
Increase instructional staff.
Full time support personnel, daily psychologist; ssw, counselor, attendance officer.
Full time counselors
Full time psychologists
Full time social workers in the school.
Full time nurses; School Nurse; Full time nurse
School librarian
Paraprofessional in every classroom. (trained); Full-time Aide- At least H.S. graduate; Ed. Techs. for every classroom; Paraprofessionals in every classroom
More lunchroom aides/breakfast aides
Better social service assistant
Two full time science teachers and library
Full time Art, Music; A full time music teacher for aesthetic experiences for children.
Dramatic Department (Fine Arts)
Full time music teacher
P.R. Department
In housed attendance personnel; Attendance Officers in the building (full-time).
One adult per five students for coaching (reading/math), for field trips hands on teaching, guided tours.

Supports For Teachers
Everyday Prep-Elementary
No eating in office- Professionalism
Each staff member be provided with their own lap top computer to use for teacher management, word process, etc.; Lap-top computer for each teacher
Teachers given opportunity to plan their days according to lessons and activities and amount of time necessary to perform them.
Support staff so that we can observe other related programs to our own for personal growth and professional development.
More freedom to select, purchase, and use materials related to curriculum requirements that may not be provided by the board of ed.
Paid vacations for staff (1 week)

Support Programs For Children
Early Childhood Screening and services and follow through
Screening Process needs to be revamped
Enrichment programs/clubs-after school; Sports teams.
In school suspension or detention; In house detention center, with and without lining specific consequences of behavior; Attendance Center; Strong Discipline Policies; Detention centers within the school (afterschool); Community Resource centers for students working below grade levels/discipline problems. (Use abandoned building and refurbish them.) City can be involved this way; Assemblies more of them on respect authority figures.
Uniform authority keeping intruders out; Uniform code (dressed).
Structure for discipline

Food and meals
Better food menu- New Lunch program
More nutritious meals

Smaller bus routes
School owned buses how many? 2/3?
Do away with busing.
Bus or van for the school

Parent partnerships
Parent Literacy Programs within the building
GED Program
Implement grandparent association (4 day work week-meeting on 5th day once a month)
Have parent room-for one a month volunteering, assignment
Homework Hotline
Weekly parent support groups
Parental involvement mandated.
Increasing Parental skills. (Training dealing with issues).
State of the Art Parent Resource Community Center.
Community based health-care facility for common family medical conditions/problems.
State of the Art latch-key . Staff and community daycare center.

Professional development
Professional Development during the summer
Technology Training for every classroom teacher (Integration)
Sensitivity training
Stress management training
Diversity training
Time allocated during the work day so that we may see other programs and services in progress.

House model of schooling and teaching.
Create the house concept dividing groups: Pre-school, kdgn, grade 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Housed in a pod configuration . Each pod will have a large common area. This would allow collaborative-playing, instruction, assessment. Integration of subject area-creating themes in the pod.
A year long theme to incorporate all the state benchmarks.
The students will be living the curriculum.
The entire pod will work on a team approach-
Students are also a team approach.
The team concept will be an on-going staff development as well as a continuing process for parents, students teachers-
Teachers and parents become partners.
Parents are involved as a pod council-
Parents are constantly keep abreast of positive as well as negative problems.
Each teacher keeps a log of parent contact.
Parent center is created an parent meetings are encouraged for self development.: 1-Jobs; 2- Health; 3-Parenting