Parent and Community
Visioning Forum

Cluster 41
Eastside Detroit
Whole Schooling Cluster

Bellevue, Howe, and Huitchinson Elementary Schools

September 29, 1998
Mt. Zion Baptist Church

On September 29, 1998, more than 200 people attended the Parent and Community Visioning Seminar for the Eastside Detroit Whole Schooling Cluster. They came to provide input to the schools in our cluster regarding how the schools might be recreated and renewed.

As parents, children, community members, and school staff arrived, they were asked to find the circle of chairs that matched a symbol given to them. Yvonne Mayfield, principal of Bellevue Elementary gave the opening remarks. She set the stage with the following challenge to the "Vision Circles": "We are now in the year 2010. Wonderful changes have happened in our community and our schools. Teams of parents and school people have been flying all over the world telling the story of what we have done. You are here to be on the Oprah show where you will tell the story. Our job tonight is to prepare for that show by describing what has happened in our communities and schools."

Following this introduction facilitators assisted groups of approximately 15 parents and children clustered in circles all over the room. The response was enthusiastic. For almost an hour groups energetically wrote down their images looking back of a better community and better schools. At the end people were given a few minutes to view what other groups had written. Recorders then came to the front to share one item from their group.

On the following pages we have taken these statements and organized them in two major sections: (1) how the community is better in 2010 and (2) how the schools are better in 2010. In each section, we have grouped similar and/or items.


Care and support in society
Open society.
No racism or sexism
More disciplined society.
No more wars.
Bring back censorship

Houses renovated, neighborhoods rebuilt.
Utilities included in mortgages.
New homes
Moveable homes-affordable.

Crime and safety
Eliminate crime because a parent became a police commissioner and solved problems.
Work as a community to get rid of all the bad forces (more security)
2010-no drugs anywhere.
No Drugs-No Violence.
Less crime.
Street Lights.
No guns, or drugs, no bums.
Scanners in more areas

Hire more employees.
Everyone in neighborhood prosperous.
Full employment in the community.
Filthy Rich.
Children with good jobs.
No homeless persons.
No homeless, no welfare
Food and jobs for everyone.
Space related jobs.

Cleaner environment.
Improved resources. Making sure companies cleaned up their act.
Clean Neighborhood.
Beautiful Community.
Janitorial services.
Environmental services.
Free energy, free water, no bills.
Clean environment, more inventions for clean the environment to reduce illness and disease.
No more chemical plants.

Home life
Return to teaching morals at home.
More family values, more traditional families and extended families. 

More sports activities.
Recreational facilities built for youth ­ this helped to eliminate drugs and violence.

Supports for living in the community
Groceries delivered to homes.

Community resources
Hair Salon

Community cooperation and improvement
Community working together, parents helping each other.
Community feels like a extended family.
Work from the inside with themselves and in the community.
Take responsibilities for yourself.

Communication and interaction with other communities
Communicate with other countries, people like to know what it is like to be in his or her country.

Cure for all diseases.
Free health care.

Car that floats above (parent and teachers) transportation provided for every parent to attend meetings . Improve transportation.

Computer in every home, credit cards with ID for vending machines.
Robot to clean home, schools etc.
Space cars, not gas, solar power, affordable.

Government and politics
Female President.




Whole Schooling in 2010.

Learning and instruction
Reluctant learners get the help needed.
1-800-homework helper hotline.
Homework hotlines.
More individualization.
Better teaching of children.
Better teaching methods
More electives as subjects for students.
Hooked on Phonics.
Cooperative groups.
Children assume responsibility for their learning.
Morals emphasized.
Self esteem classes.
Self esteem boosting
Drug training classes.
Multiculutural / bilingual.
Career training from kindergarten through 12th grade.
More vocational education.
Organize study clubs
Art and music classes
Arts and crafts.
More recreation in school.
Music, sports, computers classes, school supplies
Wood shop,
Science fair
Banquets for graduates. 

Recruit the best teachers and give great salary.
Staff will be well qualified and trained.
Have a hardworking determined staff.
More school teachers certified.
More men role models as teachers in community.
More male minority teachers.
Male role models (more male teachers).
Parents become teachers in schools.

Schools with good resources
Smaller students/teacher ratios (class size).
Larger classrooms, smaller class size.
Lower class size.
Class size a max. of 15 students per class.students have more time with their leaders.
Adequate school supplies for each student.
Lottery monies going toward education.
Basic readers (text books) for students.
Updated books.
More teachers, more jobs, better funding for schools.
More assistance in classroom.
Fully funded school/district.
Each school owns a private jet for field trips for international education experiences.

School facilities
Schools being renovated, new schools.
Remodel, new schools.
Engineer-redesigned the school resulting in interest, attendance, appearance, attitudes, school pride.
Better facilities i.e. gyms, air-conditioning.
More custodial help.
Lottery monies for education.
Better facilities,
Flowers around each school.

Safe schools
The kids are safe from strangers on the playground and drugs around
the school area.
No more drugs within the school area.
Drug free communities.
No weapons or violence.
Id's for all students.
Better security.

Technology and computers
Computers in all classes.
Computers at all students desks.
Computers in every class.
More computers in every class.
Lap top computers/omit books
Updated computers
Telephones in all classes.
Intercom systems.
Home and schools connected on the internet.
Use e-mail.
Students using the internet with one another.
Telephone in all classrooms.
Fax machines for parents and teachers.
Parents have computers/teachers-school have computers.
Parents having use of computers.
Worldwide knowledge of computers available for the people. Research libraries are available for all the people.
We are modern and up to date with technology.
Help students with new technology.
Teachers-ongoing training for today's technology.

Training and education for parents
Parent career/education training.
Parent workshops.
Parental skills taught.
Parents would have computer knowledge and computer in every home.
Parents take classes.
Parents would go to workshops and seminars across America and visit other countries.

School year
Year around school.

School dress
Dress code for all students.
Uniforms for all schools elementary - high school.
School uniforms.
Dress code, dressing neat in school.
Dress code for teachers
No gym shoes, no blue jeans, no sweat shirts.

Lunches for children
Nutritious lunches.
Better lunch program (variety).
All children must have lunch regardless of behavior.
Prepare nutritious meals.
Nutritious lunches.

Outcomes for students
Children still in college: becoming a teacher, astronaut, police officer, fire fighter, real estate.
Kids through College

Library access and resources
Library (children have library cards).

Religion and the schools
Bring prayer back.
Prayer back in school.
Prayer in schools (Quiet Time)
More school/small classroom/prayer
Freedom religion in Public School

After school activities
After school activities.
After school activities.
After school activities.

Mentoring and community support of children
Mentoring programs.
College students come back as tutors.

Parent involvement and partnership with the school
School staff, students, and parents agree on best education for our students.
Partnerships with family and schools.
Parents being actively involved in all aspects of student education.
A parent in every classroom each day.
Parent involvement mandatory.
Mandatory that parent participate in child classroom.
Report cards for parents.
Parents involvement increased because of pride in themselves and their children.
Parents are encouraged to achieve their dreams and children therefore will achieve their dreams.
Parents participate in students learning and school planning.
Parents learning with children. More parents working with their children.
Parents have to do a lot more with children.
Parents are more concerned and active.
Parents-more involved at home and school with each other.
More parents participating
Invite parents to participate.
Home and school has to be a team .
Communication- parents, children, teachers.
Parent conference room.
Knock walls down to establish parent center.
Communities between parents.
Parents more involved with children at school.
Communication line open with teacher.

Community involvement with the schools
Total community involvement.
More community involvement.
Church and schools working together with family.
Successful! because the attitude of giving back to the community.
Working hard to see the children achieve.
Parents become directors or CEO of company. Company then gives 10% to schools and every children gets a lap top computer.
Doctors come back to his school and donate time, knowledge and supplies to communities.
Accountant-volunteered time & services resulting in money saved for others uses (costly field trips, additional technology, equipment, etc.)
Doctor- volunteered time and services resulting in free immunizations in school-helped students develop interest in science and math.
Community - more involved resulting in spiritual influence, morals, values, mentoring. Church serves as a meeting place.