CHAPTER ELEVEN: Inclusive Academic Instruction Part I - Plan Inclusive Lessons and Units
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The Center for Applied Special Technology develops innovative resources and strategies for educators based on the principles of universal design for learning. This site has a wealth of materials.
Project Zero. Project designed to “to understand and enhance learning, thinking, and creativity in the arts” based on the ideas of multiple intelligences.
Effective instruction: Brain-based learning
Practical applications of brain-based research. Site provides many links to resources and information.
Brain/Mind Learning: Caine Learning Center. Many resources related to brain-based learning.
Effective instruction: Universal design for learning
Center for Universal Design for Learning. National center that focuses on theory, research, and practical strategies, particularly related to use of technology, for the design of instruction for all learners.
National Center on Accessing the General Education Curriculum. IDEA 1997 requires that students with disabilities have access to the general education curriculum. This site, a sister program of the Center for Universal Design, seeks to provide resources for teachers and administrators. Here's one of many good resources on their site: Differentiated instruction and implications for UDL implementation.
Effective instruction: Differentiated instruction
Differentiated instruction links. A site that provides links to many additional websites for differentiated instruction for mixed-ability classrooms.
Effective instruction: Authentic multi-level teaching
Authentic Multi-level
Instruction (AMI). Comprehensive paper from the Whole Schooling Consortium
and the Whole Schooling Research Project.
Multi-level Lesson Plan
Guide: Earth, Moon, and Beyond. Jeni Gonzales. Multi-level lesson guide developed
to demonstrate the planning process for multi-level teaching and multiple
Multi-age instruction. Comprehensive site with many links and resources.
Lesson planning for inclusive teaching
Writing Lesson Plans: Seven Elements of a Lesson Plan. Great site that provides useful elements of a good lesson plan that supports learning by diverse students.
Lesson planning: Product, assessment, and evaluatoin
Up Close and Personal: How Classroom Assessment Improves Learning. Article describing initiatives in Nebraska to focus on classroom assessment rather than standardized testing to improve learning.
FairTest: The National Center for Fair & Open Testing FairTest is an advocacy organization working to end the abuses, misuses and flaws of standardized testing. This site provides information, technical assistance and advocacy on a broad range of testing concerns, focusing on three areas: K-12, university admissions and employment tests (including teacher testing).
Alfie Kohn: Rescuing our schools from "tougher standards". This site has short articles regarding the problems with the standards movement and standardized tests, links to additional resources including a national network of coordinators in each state.
Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory (NWREL) This site provides examples of useful assessments that are directly linked to instruction, providing teachers, students, and parent's ongoing authentic assessment information that helps students learn and teachers teach.
North Central Regional Educational Laboratory This site provides information and links regarding ways to link assessment to effective learning and teaching in meaningful ways, strategies for assuring equity in the assessment process, particularly concerned with issues of race and class.
K-12 Standards: MCREL This site provides comprehensive descriptions and links to standards and benchmarks established for various disciplines across grade levels.
Artwork reprinted by permission of
Martha Perske from PERSKE:
Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1998.