CHAPTER TEN Meeting Needs of Students with Challenging Behaviors
The internet provides a valuable source to explore issues related to segregation and inclusion, people with disabilities in school and society, and inclusive teaching. Following are some sites which you may find interesting and valuable.
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Reclaiming Youth Network Reclaiming Youth is an organization dedicated to transforming education and human services by creating respectful ways of dealing with youth. This work is based on the Circle of Courage that addresses the universal needs of belonging, mastery, independence, and generosity. Great approach and resources here.
Positive Behavior Support Federally funded research and training center that has many practical resources related to positive behavior support.
Center for Effective Collaboration and Practice A center that works to help communities create schools that promote emotional well-being, effective instruction and safe learning. Site has many resources that focus on use of teams, collaboration, community building, and positive behavioral support in assisting children and youth with emotional and behavioral challenges.
Technical Assistance Center on Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports. Another federally funded center with many resources.
Reclaiming Youth International. A great approach to dealing with challenging students based on the Circle of Courage.
Other Key sites for positive behavior support
Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence (CSPV). National center that links research, policy, and practice in efforts to reduce violence.
The Behavior Home Page This site provides a format that allows school personnel, parents, and other professionals to gain access to information, to share effective practices, and to receive ongoing consultation and technical assistance concerning the full range of behavior problems and challenges displayed by children and youth in school and community .
Promising Practices. Descriptions of multiple strategies that are working with children and youth with severe emotional and behavioral challenges. Includes examples of model schools.
Disruptive and Disaffected Pupils in Mainstream Schools This site includes downloadable examples of Individual Behavior Plans and a sizeable database of references and strategies for teachers, parents and agencies involved with Disaffected Pupils in Mainstream Schools.
Florida's Positive Behavior Support Project. Read about what is happening in Florida and use their materials.
Wrap-around Planning. A site that describes approaches to coordinate school and agency services to provide holistic support to children with behavioral challenges and their families.
Resources for Positive Behavior Supports. A great site with lots of links to key resources.
School-wide Information System (SWIS). Systematic process to gather data to help identify key problem areas in a school. Eg. do behavior problems tend to occur more during transitions or at lunch time?
Proactive responses to social and behavioral challenges
Learning to Discipline. Article by a high school teacher who shares her journey to find effective ways to teach responsibility in the classroom and move beyond being either a drill sergeant or Mary Poppins!
Responsible Thinking Process (RTP). A great site regarding this proactive approach to challenging behavior.
Artwork reprinted by permission of
Martha Perske from PERSKE:
Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1998.