CHAPTER 5 Provide Support and Collaborate
The internet provides a valuable source to explore issues related to segregation and inclusion, people with disabilities in school and society, and inclusive teaching. Following are some sites in which you might be interested.
Back Pack
Power of 2 A comprehensive site for co-teaching in inclusive classrooms after a good video by the same name. Lots of resources and ideas.
Project Evolve provides resources for training of paraprofessionals.
Inclusive grouping of students: Multiage teaching
Multi-age instruction. Comprehensive site with many links and resources. Also visit the site of Ellen Thompson, an experienced multi-age teacher.
Ability grouping. Here's an excellent article that reviews the research on ability grouping. It concludes that mixed-ability grouping promotes most positive results for all students. A good resource.
School-wide support: Administrators
Administrators role in an inclusive school. Describes important roles of principals in an inclusive school. From the Renaissance group.
Co-teaching Project. Comprehensive site from with links to many useful resources.
Collaborative Teaching. A chapter from a full book on inclusive education.
Co-Teaching: Are Two Heads Better than One in an Inclusion Classroom: describes experiences of two co-teachers and discusses growing movement towards and models of co-teaching practice.
Common Co-Teaching Issues: discusses classroom management, space, grades, plans, parents, etc.
After Initial Reluctance, Co-Teachers Say They Wouldn't Have It Any Other Way: description of a successful co-teaching experience.
The Continuing Trouble with Collaboration: Teachers Talk. A good article from Louisiana regarding the challenges that co-teachers find in seeking to collaborate.
Research and Co-teaching. A great site with numerous resources regarding research on the process and impact of co-teaching.
Co-teaching Resources. A page with many links to useful sites. Some really good information here!!
Paraprofessional training. Project that has developed training materials for paraprofessionals who support students with special needs.
Project EVOLVE. Work of Michael Giangreco via a federally funded project regarding the roles and training of paraprofessionals. Good resources. Click on his name for more resources and projects.
Artwork reprinted by permission of
Martha Perske from PERSKE:
Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1998.