CHAPTER TWO Introduction to Inclusive Teaching


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Whole Schooling Consortium This is the website of the organization highlighted in this chapter. Filled with many resources including articles and video clips of inclusive schools.

Inclusion Press is a small press devoted to books and videos that promote inclusive schooling and communities. You’ll find many practical resources here.

What is wrong here? Glimpses of an inclusive school

Responses to questions teachers and administrators frequently ask about inclusive school programs. A much quoted article in Kappan by James McLeskey and Nancy Waldron.

Research and Inclusive Schooling: Students from diverse races and cultures

A Synthesis of Scholarship in Multicultural Education. Comprehensive article from the North Central Regional Educational Laboratory.

What Will You Think of Me? Racial Integration, Peer Relationships and Achievement Among White Students and Students of Color.

The Civil Rights Project, originally at Harvard and now at UCLA, has conducted numerous studies and developed documents related to racial resegregation and its impact on achievement and learning. Here are some useful articles: (1) The Impact of Student Composition on Academic Achievement in Southern High Schools; (2) The Impact of Racial and Ethnic Diversity: On Educational Outcomes: Lynn, MA School District; (3) Why segregation matters: Poverty and equality; (4) Schools More Separate: Consequences of a Decade of Resegregation.

Racial Inequity in Special Education. According to this document, minority children-especially African Americans-are far more likely than white children to be designated mentally retarded or emotionally disturbed and therefore in need of special education. Even when appropriately placed in special education classes, minority children often receive poorer services than disabled white children.

Research and Inclusive Schooling: Students who are poor

A growing number of school districts are working to integrate students from different socio-economic backgrounds - a process called socio-economic integration. Richard D. Kahlenberg wrote Socioeconomic School Integration for the Poverty & Race Research Action Council. Several school districts have written about their promising experiences, including: Cambridge Schools; Raleigh Public Schools; and Seminole County, Florida.

Why segregation matters: Poverty and equality. An excellent document in pdf format.

Research and Inclusive Schooling: Dominant language learners

Best Evidence: Research Foundations of the Bilingual Education Act. PDF document from ERIC.

Promoting Students' Academic Success. Article that summarizes research related to dominant language learners.

What Works for the Children? What We Know and Don't Know About Bilingual Education. Good summary of the research.

National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition and Language Instruction Educational Programs. Many resources related to research and practice.

Center for Research on Education, Diversity, and Excellence. Another center with many resources related to both research and practice.

Research and Inclusive Schooling: Students considered gifted and talented

National Center for the Gifted and Talented. This center has many useful materials and information related to research and exemplary instructional strategies useful for gifted children as well as all children.

Gifted Students and Inclusion: A Resource Bibliography of Research and Practice. An excellent resource from ERIC.

Research Link - Grouping Gifted Students. This is a short PDF document from the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development regarding utilization of ability grouping practices and students considered gifted.

Gifted students and cooperative learning: A study of grouping strategies. This study looked at both academic achievement and self-esteem and found that gifted students had lowered self-esteem in ability grouped situations.

What is This Thing Called Giftedness and How Do We Develop it? A 25 Year Perspective. Joseph S. Renzulli, Director The National Research Center on the Gifted and Talented. A comprehensive article that both reviews movements in gifted education and describes a total talent development and school-wide enrichment models designed to foster effective education of gifted students simultaneously with talent development of all children.

Research and Inclusive Schooling: Students who are gay

GLSEN, the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network, is the leading national education organization focused on ensuring safe schools for all students. Established nationally in 1995, GLSEN states that it "envisions a world in which every child learns to respect and accept all people, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity/expression". This is an excellent resource. On this site they have many research studies. Some include: (1) Harsh Realities - Transgender Youth Face Extreme Harassment in School; (2) 2007 National School Climate Survey- Nearly 9 out of 10 LGBT Students Harassed; (3) and From Teasing to Torment - School Climate in America - A National Report on School Bullying.

Diversity in Public High Schools: A Look at the Experiences of Gay and Lesbian Students. A very good article that gives an analysis of personal experiences.

Research and Inclusive Schooling: Students with disabilities

Inclusion Research. Good information on research and practice from Inclusion Solutions in the United Kingdom.

What Does the Research Say About Inclusive Education? An article by Kathleen Whitbread on the WrightsLaw site.

Research on Inclusive Educational Programs, Practices, and Outcomes for Students with Severe Disabilities. An excellent article by Pam Hunt and Lori Goetz.

Research Findings: Inclusive Education. This downloadable Word document provides a chart that summarizes a number of major studies related to inclusive education of students with disabilities.

What is school for?

What is the Purpose of America’s Schools? A good article about this important question.

What's the Purpose of School. A great article from a blog of high school teachers. Good discussion.

What Are Schools for? A great, comprehensive document reviewing historical answers to this question. Downloadable as a PDF document.

Evaluating the success of learning and achievement

What Makes a School Effective? Good article by Karen Zittleman.

Common Characteristics of High Performing Schools. Guidelines from the State Department of Education in the state of Washington.

What Are the Characteristics of an Effective School. A similar site from Wisconsin.

Key elements of effective inclusive teaching

Whole Schooling Consortium. Network using a school renewal model that places inclusive education at its center.

Collaborative Teaching for Inclusive Schools.

Index for Inclusion. Center for Studies in Inclusive Education (CSIE), United Kingdom.

"The Responsive Classroom" Developed by the Northeast Foundation for Children (NEFC) site envisions schools as respectful learning communities where educators honor the social context of learning and use knowledge of students' development to inform all decisions. "The Responsive Classroom," with links to staff, archives and a resource store provides excellents materials for teachers.

The Program for Complex Instruction: Achieving Equity in the Classroom Complex Instruction evolved from over 20 years of research to provide academic access and success for all students in heterogeneous classrooms. This site has links to news, who's who, research, classroom info, and more.

The Center for Applied Special Technology - CAST CAST iuses technology to expand opportunities for all people, including those with disabilities. Click on the "site map" to access dozens of links to CAST, Universal Design, National Center on Accessing the General Curriculum and more.

Response to intervention

National Center on Response to Intervention. Federally funded center that provides information and resources related to response to intervention.

Response to Intervention (RTI) Resources. Many links to useful resourcs from WrightsLaw.

Response To Intervention. A good article from Wikipedia, the online encyclopedia.

Response to Intervention Action Network. This organization aims to support and link schools and teachers implementing effective response to intervention practices throughout the country.


Artwork reprinted by permission of
Martha Perske from PERSKE:
Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1998.