Inclusive Student Projects

Following are examples of projects completed by students in University classes related to inclusive education based on these guidelines.

Inclusive Teacher Guides. In this project, students were asked to develop a practical guide that would synthesize and describe how they would apply what they have learned about inclusive education in their own classrooms.
Art: Elementary
Early Elementary
Elementary 2
Elementary 3
Elementary 4 Elementary (excellent group project) 2nd Grade 3rdGrade 5th Grade Middle School English Middle School
Middle School Science
Middle School Math and Language Arts Secondary Science High School Vocational - Culinary Arts 9th Grade Government 9th Grade Civics Art: High School Art 2: High School High School Algebra High School: All subjects
High School Business Education
High School 2
High School Social Studies

Inclusive Support Guide. This project was similar. However, it's purpose was to allow support staff -- special education teachers, counselors, speech therapists, and others -- to describe how support for inclusive teaching would best work in a school, at either early childhood, elementary, midddle school, or high school levels, and how their role in the school would work.

Early Child Support Guide 
Elementary Support Guide 1
Elementary Support Guide 2
Elementary Support Guide 3
Middle School Support Guide
High School Support Guide
High School Support Guide 
Inclusive Support Guide – District

Case Studies for Inclusive Education. In these projects students either conducted an in-depth analysis of a student being included, describing the classroom, instruction, schedule, adaptations, and support or developed a plan for a student to be included who was in a segregated setting.

Case Study 15 year old student with autism in high school. 
Case Study student with autism in kindergarten.
Case Study student with autism in middle school. 
Case Study student with cerebral palsy in middle school. 
Case Study child with educable mental impairment in 3rd grade
Case Study student with learning disabilities in elementary school

Inclusive Schooling Study: Individual Observation Report. These are projects in which students were asked to identify a school practicing some version of inclusive education and observe in a general education classroom that had students with disabilities. They were also to interview the general education teacher and a support staff person such as a special education teacher or speech therapist. In one version of this report, individual students described what they saw, conducted an analysis, and provided recommendations for improvement. In another version, they largely described what they saw and heard. The analysis and recommendations were accomplished in the project descrbed below as part of a small group.

Observation Elementary  - Focus on student with cerebral palsy.  
Observation Elementary  - Near suburb mixed ethnicity and socio-economic status.
Observation Elementary  - Focus on students with severe disabilities
Observation Elementary  - Urban
Observation High School - High income suburb
Observation High School - Near suburb
Observation High School - Focus on student with spina bifida

Inclusive Schooling Study: Group Recommendations Report. In this project, members of a working group developed a report that described (1) what they learned, both negative and positive lessons with examples, and (2) recommendations for how each school observed could be a more effective inclusive school.

Recommendations report - Elementary schools through high schools 
Recommendations report - middle and high school

Innovation And Change Case Study. In this individual or group project, participants develop strategies for helping move a school towards implementation of inclusive education.

Inclusive observations and analysis. 
Moving towards inclusive schools.

Brochures. Some students developed brochures.

Moving Towards Inclusive Schooling.
Coming Together Corporation.

Powerpoint. Some students developed PowerPoint presentations to accompany projects.

Moving Towards Inclusive Schooling (by same author as above)

Class conference. In some classes, the last period a class conference was held in which students shared, in 'science fair' format, what one student called an "Inclusive Fair", their work on the last major class project.